Friday, 31 Jan 2025

Woman raves about B&M’s ‘game changer’ heat-saving hoodie

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The cost of living crisis is in full throttle and fears of rising bills are keeping many people across the country awake at night. This includes mum of two, and content editor for Leeds Live, Lucy Leeson. With Christmas just around the corner as well, Lucy has been looking at ways to try and keep the bills low, which is why she was keen to rush to B&M after shoppers raved online about a product that can help keep you warm during the cold months ahead. Here is how she got on. 

Writing for LeedsLive, Lucy said: “As a mum to two young boys, I am already wondering how myself and my husband are going to afford to pay the bills this winter, particularly with the rise in energy bill prices. Have you tried telling your six-year-old it is time to turn the Xbox off? And don’t even mention the nursery fees

“With Christmas just around the corner as well, I have been looking at ways to try and keep the bills low and that is when I stumbled across an article where shoppers raved about a £12 B&M hooded top that keeps you warm in the cold winter months – and ultimately stops you reaching for the central heating thermostat.

“As someone who loves nothing more than snuggling up during the dark nights, I decided I needed to put this to the test, and headed to my nearest B&M. My first thought upon entering the store was ‘I bet they have sold out’.

“Well, I couldn’t find the £12 top, but I did come across one that ticked all the boxes – a fleece-lined hoodie for £6 more and I headed for the tills with my purchase.”

“Firstly, it is important to note that my top is pink and white – so not to suit all tastes, but they do a “male version” in black for £20, if you don’t want to attract attention. It’s also important to mention that one size fits all. I could probably fit myself and two boys in mine, but I am not complaining.

“Over the course of this week – particularly on Tuesday when temperatures dropped quite a few degrees, my purchase came in extremely handy. I actually cannot believe how comfy the top is. It feels so lovely against your skin and there’s something very comforting about it.

“But does it keep you warm? Well, the answer is…. most definitely. I only had a top and leggings underneath mine and I was plenty warm enough – which gives me encouragement that as we get deeper into winter, a long sleeve top underneath will also suffice.”

Cost of living: Couple outline 'significant impact' of energy bills

“When friends and work colleagues mentioned how they had or were tempted to put the heating on, I felt really pleased as not once had I felt cold with the top on. Working from home mostly as well, I am confident this will stop me from putting the heating on during the day – ultimately saving money – which is the whole point.

“It was also a life-saver when letting my dog out first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Instead of me stood there shivering away in a flimsy jacket, I was nice and warm – even though I have to admit I didn’t look the most fetching. It was also great when I ended up sleeping on the floor of my youngest boy’s bedroom to try and get him back to sleep.”

“I also found myself looking forward to getting back home after the school run to put it back on. My little boy also commented on how soft it was and he asked me if he could have his own version. In blue, of course. It looks like all the family will be investing in one.

“I’m not saying we won’t be putting the heating on at all this winter, but it has given me some peace of mind that we will save a few pennies here and there as a result – and that is just as important.”

Source: Read Full Article

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