Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

Princess Beatrice wedding date: The exact day Bea and Edo will marry – insider claim

Princess Beatrice, 31, will be the next royal to walk down the aisle when she ties the knot with Italian property tycoon Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, 36, later this year. Royal wedding speculation has been rife since they announced their happy news in September and sources close to the couple have claimed a date has been set for the end of May.

An official royal announcement confirming Beatrice’s wedding date is yet to be made by the Queen.

Buckingham Palace is not commenting on the upcoming nuptials.

However, the Sun reports friends of Bea and Edo have claimed the wedding is due to take place on May 29.

According to royal insiders the wedding reception will take place at Buckingham Palace, but a venue is yet to be confirmed.


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Beatrice is understood to want a toned-down big day which will be paid for privately unlikely other recent royal weddings.

The scandal surrounding Princess Beatrice father, Prince Andrew’s links to paedophile Jeffrey Epstein are understood to have overshadowed her wedding plans.

The Duke of York stepped down from official duties for the foreseeable future following an ill-advised TV interview about his friendship with Epstein last year.

An insider told the Sun decisions around Bea’s royal wedding had been repeatedly delayed amid other ongoing royal sagas.

The source said: “The decision has been delayed repeatedly because of all the issues, but finally they have something that seems to work – and barring any problems that should be when it goes ahead.

“The Queen has asked everyone to come together to put on a united front.

“The press officers of all the palaces hope to portray the Beatrice wedding as the big event that brings the family back together again.

“Aides know this will be a tough job, but it’s all they can do not just to save the wedding, but potentially the monarchy’s reputation.”


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Following Prince Andrew’s step back from his royal role he has suspended ties with various military associations.

This reportedly led to Beatrice’s first choice of wedding venue The Guards’ Chapel in St James’s Park being written off at the last minute.

Princess Beatrice is not a working royal and while her younger sister Princess Eugenie had a full-blown royal wedding its cost to the British public prompted some backlash.

Princess Beatrice’s desire for a less high profile wedding would have made the Guard’s Chapel and ideal venue as it is only current serving members of the military and their direct descendants can marry there.

Exceptions can be made for civilians with special links to the venue but the ongoing furore surrounding Prince Andrew may have made it an inappropriate choice.

The Queen was expected to announce Beatrice’s wedding date last month.

However, the crisis prompted by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s withdrawal from their roles would have out Bea’s news on the back burner.

As the dust begins to settle around Megxit it may be the Queen makes an announcement about the wedding date very soon.

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