Friday, 7 Mar 2025

Nick Ferrari savages Remainer Femi on ‘biased’ and ‘twisted’ no deal Yellowhammer papers

Speaking on Sky News’ The Pledge, Mr Ferrari brilliantly argued against the Civil Service’s worst-case Brexit predictions as he claimed the documents Boris Johnson’s Government was forced to publish earlier this week were “slanted”. As he debated against young activist and Remainer Femi Oluwole, Mr Ferrari pointed out: “This is a worst-case scenario, it is not a prediction. Let me tell you about my mornings. This morning I woke up and I had to take a couple of steps to my bathroom, I could have fallen down those steps and broken my leg.

“I then went into the shower. There’s electricity and there’s water going into the shower.

“That could have electrocuted me. I could have shaved myself, I could have cut myself shaving.

“I got in a car, not my car. He could have crashed.

“We could have gone into the side of a bus. Could. Could. Could.

“This is a completely slanted and biased document.”

This is a completely slanted and biased document

Nick Ferrari

He added: “Iain Duncan Smith appeared on my radio show this morning on LBC and broke the terms of the Privy Council to point out that when he was shown this a month or so ago he sad to the people, because they were talking about the impact – I think it’s point three – the impact on our ports.

“He said: ‘What have they said at Calais? What have they told you?’

“And there was a silence. So Iain Duncan Smith said: ‘You have spoken to the people in Calais, have you?’

“They hadn’t even spoken to the people of Calais.

“I put it to you that Yellowhammer is absolutely twisted, absolutely biased.

“Of course, we should be aware of the concerns, but realise what it was set up to do.”

Boris Johnson has come under severe pressure following the release of the ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ documents which assess the impact of Britain leaving the bloc without an agreement.

The papers outline the “reasonable worst-case planning assessments” and highlight the risk of medical shortages, food price rises and major cross-channel trade delays.

On food, the document warned that some fresh supplies will decrease and that “critical dependencies for the food chain” such as key ingredients “may be in shorter supply”.

It said these factors would not lead to overall food shortages “but will reduce the availability and choice of products and will increase prices, which could impact vulnerable groups”.

The document also said: “Low-income groups will be disproportionately affected by any price rises in food and fuel.”

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Michael Gove, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster who is in charge of no deal preparations played down the fears and insisted the document outlined a “worst-case scenario.”

Shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald has condemned the reports outlined in Operation Yelllowhammer and said the planning for a no deal Brexit compare to a “war or a natural disaster”.

The Labour MP said on Thursday: “It reveals an absolute catastrophe for our country if he continues to drive the ship towards the rocks as he is going to do.”

He added: “This is more like emergency planning for war or a natural disaster.

“We cannot minimise this. It does not get starker and we have got to wake up to the issues around us.”

Source: Read Full Article

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