Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Mike Tindall has ‘damaged’ Royal Family’s reputation with ’embarrassing’ furlough row

Mike Tindall criticised by host for claiming furlough in pandemic

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Mike Tindall’s company, Kimble Trading Ltd, is a listed recipient of the Government’s furlough scheme, which was implemented to help prevent job losses during the coronavirus crisis. But the royal has been heavily criticised for taking advantage of the scheme, with one royal expert branding the move as “embarrassing”.

Mike, who married the Queen’s granddaughter Zara Tindall in July 2011, has the firm to manage his speaking arrangements but appointments dried up during the pandemic.

According to the accounts, the company has only one member of staff — believed to be Mike himself.

The company also appears on a Government list of firms using the furlough scheme, which pays 80 percent of a worker’s salary up to £2,500 per month.

The news that the former professional rugby player utilised the Government’s job retention scheme has been branded an “embarrassing” move by David McClure, author of Royal Privilege: The Queen’s True Worth.

He said: “The Royal Family is all about good optics, that’s what they do, it’s all ceremony, it’s all image, it’s all promotion.

“This does cause some reputational damage to the Royal Family, and I think the situation is slightly embarrassing for the Royal Family, without a doubt.”

Mike’s company Kimble Trading Ltd has admitted it received the Government aid.

According to The Sun, accounts for his firm, filed in December, state: “The outbreak of Covid-19 and subsequent restrictions imposed have led to a number of events in 2020 being cancelled.

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“The company has taken advantage of all available government aid in order to support the business and its employees through the crisis.”

Tory MP Nigel Mills criticised the findings, and said: “It’s a bit rich for Mike Tindall to be taking money from the public purse.”

There is no suggestion of any illegality taking place.

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Charlie Rae, the former Royal editor of The Sun, has defended Mike over the findings.

He told talkRADIO: “I don’t think he’s doing anything wrong.

“He’s got this company, he is the only employee of this company.

“He, like many other firms who have not been able to work because of the Covid pandemic, has applied for the furlough.”

Mike and Zara do not receive money from the Crown Estate.

Instead, they fund their lives via private means.

Zara earns around £2million a year in sponsorship deals with companies such as Rolex and Land Rover.

Mike’s representatives were approached by regarding the claim made by David McClure, they did not provide a comment for publication.

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