Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

King set to send Harry and Meghan UK invite – but it’s not to join him at Xmas

King Charles could offer Prince Harry and Meghan Markle an olive branch in time for Christmas, a royal source has claimed.

The insider has suggested that the monarch, who recently celebrated his 75th birthday, could invite them to Scotland over the New Year.

One insider said the reason for this is because any plans for Christmas would have been finalised, meaning any reunion would have to be postponed.

Another source claimed the timing of the visit would mean Prince William and Princess Kate would be in their Norfolk country home by the time they arrived.

Speaking to the Mail they said: “It would certainly have the advantage of killing two birds with one stone; extending an olive branch to one son without causing difficulty to the other.”

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Other sources said: “Christmas plans are normally nailed down by now as Sandringham isn’t a particularly big place and there’s not a lot of room for the entire extended family.

“It would be surprising for the Sussexes not to have received an invitation by now if there was going to be one. New Year in Scotland would be more likely.”

Despite the potential for an olive branch, they warned: “As with anything to do with Harry and Meghan, let’s face it, anything can happen.”

The rumours of a New Year’s invite from the King to his youngest son come as speculation grows over how the relationship between the two can be rebuilt.

In the past 18 months, Harry and Meghan have made a series of claims about senior members of the Royal Family which have detrimentally impacted their relationship with them.

The festive invite is believed to form part of the beginning of restoring relations between the two sides.

According to one royal source, Harry and Meghan would be “happy to accept” an invite to spend Christmas at Sandringham.

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A friend told the Sunday Times: “I can’t imagine the Sussexes would decline an invitation to spend time with His Majesty. As of yet, there have not been any invitations for the holidays.”

However, there are also concerns that if the pair are invited back into the Royal Family’s inner circle private conversations will end up being leaked.

A royal insider told the Telegraph: “The King and Queen worry that if stories about phone calls and private conversations make it into the public domain they will be accused of leaking to the press, even if it’s obvious it didn’t come from them.

“They just think ‘it’s in the public domain, and public domain equals bad.”

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