Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Jeremy Corbyn humiliated as six Labour MPs vote for Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan

An additional 32 Labour MPs abstained in another blow to their leader. Labour MPs had been whipped to vote against the Brexit plan proposed by the Government.

They were Jon Cruddas, Sarah Champion, Rosie Cooper, Toby Perkins, Gramame Morris and Emma Lewell-Buck.

In total the Brexit bill passed by 358 votes to 234.

This means Britain will leave the EU on January 31 as Mr Johnson pledged during the election campaign.

Originally the UK had been due to depart on March 29 but this was delayed repeatedly after MPs turned down Theresa May’s EU exit plan.

Some of the Labour MPs who abstained from the bill had been given permission by Labour whips.

However according to the Daily Mail others had not, making their actions a rebellion against the wishes of the leadership.

Labour shadow cabinet members Jon Trickett and Ian Lavery were amongst those who abstained.

Nine Conservative MPs also failed to vote, but they received permission to do so from the Tory whips office.

One of the Labour MPs who abstained, Charlotte Nichols, said she’d done so because her constituency voted ‘Leave’ in 2016.

She commented: “I did not feel I could follow the whip and vote against the bill having listened to my constituents wishes.

“I do not wish to frustrate the process, so I did not stand in its way.

“I could not, however, in good faith vote for the Withdrawal Agreement as amended since the election.”


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The Brexit bill was opposed by the remaining Labour MPs, SNP, Liberal Democrats, DUP and Plaid Cymru.

The unionist DUP, who fiercely support Northern Ireland’s place within the UK, argue Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal could undermine the British union.

This is because it could see new checks introduced between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

The Liberal Democrats were attacked online after vowing to continue the fight against Brexit.

On Twitter, the party wrote: “Liberal Democrats will continue to oppose Brexit and fight for the closest possible relationship with Europe, preventing tariffs and other trade barriers, protecting rights and security co-operation.”

One person replied: “Problem you have, is everyone knows you don’t care about the opinions of the electorate.

“This is terminal unless you embrace Brexit.

“I’d advise dropping the intersectional politics too.


Another said: “You had every opportunity to do it in the run up to the election but you opted to support the Tories.

“Too late for whingeing protests now.”

Mr Johnson’s Conservative Party thumped the Labour opposition in Thursday’s General Election.

Source: Read Full Article

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