Monday, 24 Jun 2024

‘I’ve given up!’ – ‘Forked tongued’ McDonnell stuns Peston with shock GE admission

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell spoke to Robert Peston on ITV about the likelihood of having a general election before Christmas. The Labour Shadow minister shocked the TV host before declaring that he had “given up”. Mr Peston accused the MP and the leader of his party, Jeremy Corbyn, of speaking with a “forked tongue” when they promised an early election.

Answering the question of whether we would see an election before Christmas, Mr McDonnell said: “Can’t tell, I’ve given up.

“I’ve given up predicting these things.

“In terms of the Government, from what we know today, coming out of various leaks and sources, there’s quite a deep split within Number 10.”

The Shadow minister described a tension and difference in ideas between Boris Johnson’s advisers, Eddie Lister and Dominic Cummings.

He said: “It’s between Eddie Lister, one of Boris’ advisers who’ve I known for maybe 30 years, and Dominic Cummings.

“At the meeting today between Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson we heard Dominic Cummings was slapping the table and got a bit out of control as he does.

“I think probably the wiser heads will be able to calm things down.”

Mr Peston also brought up the Labour Party’s committment to a general election.

He told the Labour MP: “Some people think that in a way you and Jeremy Corbyn have been speaking with forked tongue.

“You had consistently said once a no deal was off the table, you would be happy to have a general election.

“Now you’re not really saying that are you?”

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Mr McDonnell said: “No, I’m happy to have a general election whenever it comes.

“I think you’ve got to give Parliament a reasonable opportunity to try and get a deal that we can all agree with.

“For many of us, the components of that deal are nearly there.”

At the weekend, MPs voted to block his plan to fast track the withdrawal agreement through the Commons in time for next week’s October 31 deadline.

Consequently, the Prime Minister was forced to request an extension from Brussels, as required by the Benn Act.

Source: Read Full Article

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