Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025

How Ruth Davidson was doomed to fail for Scottish Brexiteers – ‘More like a Ruth CULT’

Social Democratic Party (SDP) spokesman Mev Brown claimed despite being the leader of the Scottish Conservative Party, it behaved more like a Ruth Davidson cult than a political party. During an interview with, he added that although the former Scottish Conservative had many qualities that would make her a good leader he was doubtful that she was genuinely “beneficial” to the Conservative Brexit stance. Mr Brown said: “I despair for the Scottish Conservatives and I appreciate the impact that Ruth has had.

“But I don’t think she was actually beneficial.

“She had morphed the party into the Ruth Davidson party.

“If you look at election leaflets, flyers posters or whatever it would be the Ruth Davidson’s party or Ruth Davidson’s candidate.

“It was not the Scottish Conservatives, if you were looking for the words Scottish Conservatives it would have been in the small print.

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“In fairness she is very photogenic, charismatic and has got the gift of the gab and is a genuinely nice person but I remember going to a training session in the run-up to the council elections and I think I had transported to North Korea.

“The only thing that was missing was the picture of the leader on the walls.

“It was just an oh my God moment and it would scare you.

“It was borderline on a cult, more of a cult than a political party.”

Earlier in the interview, Mr Brown also noted that Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage’s unpopularity in Scotland ultimately played into the hands of Nicola Sturgeon.

He said Nicola Sturgeon was able to garner the most media attention as she was a recognised figure, whereas key Brexiteer were disliked in Scotland.

Mr Brown said: “There were a few problems with the EU referendum in Scotland.

“Firstly we got almost no funding, I think we are talking hundreds rather than thousands of pounds.

“They spent absolutely no money in Scotland, beyond on that all the Scottish political establishment were campaigning to Remain in the European Union.

“We found that our campaign, the Social Democratic Party campaign, marginalised by that.

“Somebody would get a press release from Nicola Sturgeon and various other party leaders they would get the slot so we were marginalised.”

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