Sunday, 19 Jan 2025

How long can it take to recover from coronavirus?

With the UK lowering the Covid-19 alert level from four down to three this week, the country appears to be on the road to recovery following the worst of the pandemic. 

However, for the hundreds of thousands of people who have contracted coronavirus and suffered from the illness, the road to recovery may not feel like it is moving quite so quickly. 

How long can it take to recover from coronavirus?

Research from King’s College London (KCL) found that around one in 20 people who are diagnosed with Covid-19 experience long-term symptoms that last for at least a month, if not in many cases longer.

Data from KCL’s research shows that around 10 per cent of people have Covid-19 symptoms for at least 25 days after diagnosis, and 5 per cent of those people were still ill a month later. 

NHS advice on recovery from COVID-19 states that it ‘will take time.’ 

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‘The length of time needed will vary from person to person and it is important not to compare yourself to others. 

‘Ongoing symptoms could last for several months after you contract COVID-19 and this can be perfectly normal.’

Dr Amilia Alifrangis, Associate Clinical Director, Bupa Health Clinics, says that even in milder cases of coronavirus, the symptoms of the illness can still take up to three weeks to ease: ‘This virus seems to cause particularly severe fatigue, which can last a good two or three weeks.’

She also advises that anyone wanting to start exercising again after suffering from Covid-19 and its related symptoms should do so slowly and very cautiously.

‘In general, if you want to start exercising again, it’s best to wait seven to 10 days after recovery and start gently,’ she said.

‘Yoga, Pilates, simple stretches and walks (once you’ve finished your isolation period) are some good ways to start. If your chest starts to feel tight, stop and speak with your doctor.’

According to the NHS, the main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advised you self-isolate and get a test.

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