Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Diana would think Harry and Meghan ‘went nuclear way too soon’, Andrew Morton claims

Princess Diana: Biographer on Harry and William’s ‘rift’

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Diana, Princess of Wales, would have been “disappointed by the breakdown in the relationship” between Prince William and Prince Harry, according to her biographer. Andrew Morton, who authored ‘Diana, Her True Story’, spoke to Us Weekly about the impact of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s candid interview with Oprah Winfrey. He claimed that Diana would have been able to see similarities between her experience and that of Meghan Markle’s.

Mr Morton told viewers: “Well, she gave her own interview so she would have ticked off a number of things.

“Feeling a sense of isolation, a sense of not being appreciated that Meghan spoke about.

“But, at the same time, she would have felt that Harry and Meghan probably went nuclear way too soon.

“Diana spoke to me 10 years after she’d been in the Royal Family, and that was mainly because her marriage was collapsing.”

He continued: “Here’s a couple who seem very much in love, expecting a second child.

“They seem to have been fighting yesterday’s battles as opposed to looking forward to the future.

“I think she would have been disappointed by the breakdown in the relationship between William and Harry.

“She always saw Harry as a backup to William just as Margaret was a backup to Elizabeth, a most loyal supporter.”

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The biographer was then asked what he thought the lasting legacy of the Sussexes’ interview would be.

He told Us Weekly: “It has certainly damaged people’s perception of the House of Windsor.

“Especially talking about racism and ignoring Meghan’s mental condition.”

Mr Morton added: “From what we understand from the Palace there’s going to be an investigation into race relations generally inside the Palace.

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“So we’ll find out what the conclusions are of that at some point.

“So it was a damaging interview because it was the first time, probably in British history, that a prince of the realm has directly attacked the institution from which he’s sprung, that is to say, the monarchy.

“They’ve said that they had great respect for the Queen.

“But they didn’t seem to have much respect for the institution which she’s supported and devoted her whole life to since 1952.”

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