Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Andrew Neil humiliates Labour MP over incorrect figures – ‘Well I’ve done my homework!’

The Shadow Transport minister argued Prime Minister Boris Johnson is “walking into the arms of Donald Trump”. It comes as Labour has warned it would cost the UK Government “£500 billion” to buy medicines for the NHS. Mr Neil said: “Jeremy Corbyn has said the figures are both credible and accurate but Dr Hill himself said it’s a crude estimate and the exact money is difficult to predict.”

Speaking on the Andrew Neil show, Mr McDonald said: “I’m sure it’s difficult to predict precisely but I’m sure it gives you a very good indication of the intentions of the US in a free trade agreement.

“Boris Johnson is simply wanting to walk into the arms of Donald Trump and simply allow the US to sustain fees from the Pharma industry in the US.”

But Mr Neil hit back as he said the 18 to 45 billion figure is “ridiculous”.

He said: “The English NHS drugs bill at the moment is £18 billion a year.

“Why would any British Government do a deal that would allow another 26 billion? It’s ludicrous.”

Mr McDonald responded: “You’re right. You do wonder what on Earth is going on in the mind of Boris Johnson.”

Mr Neil said: “But it’s not in his mind. No Government would agree to a £26 billion drugs bill.”

The Labour MP argued the Conservatives are “trashing the UK” by seeking a no deal Brexit.

But Mr Neil pressed as he questioned where Labour’s £500 million estimate has come from.

He said: “The figure is based on the UK paying American prices on all the drugs the NHS uses.

“Drugs produced here, in Europe and all across the world.

“Why would they go to American prices?”


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Mr McDonald said “come up with a different figure” then.

The host said: “Ok. What percentage of the drugs we use are imported from the US?

“I’ve done my homework. It’s under 10 percent.

“Even if the UK Government was foolish enough to agree to a rise in US drug prices, the extra cost would be £50million, not £500million.”

Source: Read Full Article

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