Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


Presidential politics and political news from News about political parties, political campaigns, world and international politics, politics news …

Johnson claimed working mums’ kids more likely to ‘mug you on a street corner’

Children of working mothers were “unloved and undisciplined” and are more likely to “mug you on the street corner”, Boris Johnson once claimed. The Prime Minister whose past views have come back to haunt him on the election trail last week faced a furious backlash after an attack on single mothers was unearthed. Today another […]

G.O.P. Senators, Defending Trump, Embrace Debunked Ukraine Theory

WASHINGTON — The first time that Senator John Kennedy, Republican of Louisiana, went on a Sunday television talk show and suggested that it might have been Ukraine, rather than Russia, that interfered in the 2016 election, he drew so much criticism that he quickly apologized. But the following week, Mr. Kennedy was back on the […]

California congressman Hunter pleads guilty in corruption case

SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter, a leading California conservative, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a single federal charge of conspiring to misuse campaign funds in a corruption case that could help Democrats gain his traditionally Republican seat. The felony offense carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison, but his attorney […]

Boris Johnson’s tweets about London Bridge ‘copied and pasted’ from blog

Boris Johnson has been accused of plagiarism after writing a thread of tweets about “inaccuracies” in reports about the London Bridge attacker. The Secret Barrister, a blogger and author, claims their post on Usman Khan’s sentencing was lifted and used by Mr Johnson in a 16-strong series of tweets which began: “The terrible Khan case […]

Polling suggests Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab at risk to tactical voting

Polling has suggested Dominic Raab could be at risk to tactical voting from Remain-backing voters in his Esher and Walton seat. The Foreign Secretary won the Surrey constituency with a comfortable makority of 23,000 in 2017 but the new data suggests the ardent Brexiteer who backed no deal, is likely to come under pressure from […]