Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Analysis & Comment

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Donald Trump, Democratic Debate, Obamacare: Your Thursday Briefing

(Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. We’re covering a momentous day in Washington, tonight’s Democratic debate, and a ruling against the Affordable Care Act. We also present the decade in pictures. Timing of impeachment trial is in limbo After the House voted on Wednesday to impeach President Trump, Speaker […]

Opinion | Classical Opera Has a Racism Problem

This fall, the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto gave a botched face-lift to “Turandot," a Puccini opera about a barbaric Chinese princess in “ancient Peking” who executes her suitors. To try to mask the racism of the opera, the director changed the names of Ping, Pang and Pong, three of the main characters, to Jim, […]

Letters to the Editor: 'Rebirth of light must remind us to think of those in need'

Saturday’s winter solstice is the day of least daylight in the calendar year. Astronomers maintain it marks the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. In meteorology, winter begins earlier, spanning December, January and February. The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is that daylight gradually increases until the summer solstice in June. Although […]

Opinion | It’s Possible No One Will Read This Column

We columnists imagine our articles going viral, sweeping the world, carried into cabinet rooms, changing history. And then I wake up. Today I’m sharing with you my clunkers, columns that were read by … well, perhaps by my wife. And my mom. If they weren’t busy. This is my annual list of my columns that […]

Opinion | Modi Makes His Bigotry Even Clearer

On the face of it, India’s new citizenship law might seem quite reasonable in its offer of expedited citizenship for migrants of minority religions from neighboring countries. What’s not to like in offering refuge to minority groups facing repression in predominantly Muslim states? A lot, as India’s Muslims, about 14 percent of the population, have […]

Opinion | Democrats Never Gave Bill Clinton a Free Pass

As the House prepares to vote on impeaching President Trump, there is no doubt that the Republican Party is behind him. Not a single House Republican voted to open an impeachment inquiry, and party officials have faithfully defended the president by denying facts and evidence that are beyond dispute and disseminating false narratives. One only […]

Opinion | Steny Hoyer: ‘Loyalty to Party Must Yield to a Higher Obligation’

When the framers of our Constitution laid out the process of impeachment in 1787, they could hardly imagine the circumstances that brought us to this week’s vote in the House. With the combination of a telephone call soliciting foreign interference in our election, the hiding of that call’s summary on a special computer server and […]

Opinion | How Out of Control Is Our Surveillance State?

The F.B.I.’s investigation of the former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, we can now say with assurance, was a train wreck. In his report, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz cataloged a damning list of egregious errors, omissions or misrepresentations in filings to the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which approved nearly a year’s worth […]

Impeachment, Fiat Chrysler, ‘Star Wars’: Your Wednesday Briefing

(Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. We’re covering today’s planned impeachment vote in the House, a warning to the F.B.I., and a record heat wave in Australia. We also have a review of “The Rise of Skywalker.” House is set to vote on impeachment Lawmakers are expected to vote […]