Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Analysis & Comment

Read the latest Analysis & Comment News from around the UK. Get all the headlines, pictures, video and analysis on the stories that matter to you…

Opinion | Is Nancy Pelosi Caught in a Trap or Setting One?

Bret Stephens: Merry Christmas, Gail. So Donald Trump has been impeached in the House. I know we agree that it was the right thing to do, from a moral and Constitutional standpoint. Yet I have a sinking feeling that, politically, it’s going to cost the Democrats dearly. Where do things go from here? Gail Collins: […]

Boeing, Christmas, N.B.A.: Your Tuesday Briefing

(Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. We’re covering plans for a new U.S. defense strategy and Boeing’s change in leadership. And, in a break from the news, we have an exclusive video interview with Taylor Swift. Pentagon considers a drawdown in Africa Defense Secretary Mark Esper is weighing a […]

Letters to the Editor: 'Keep Christmas simpler and remember its true meaning'

Well it’s Christmas wonderland time again, that annual pause for midwinter celebration. The season of three wise men bearing gifts. The hope for peace on earth. Celebratory family gatherings, squabbles and rifts. A time when doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics and firefighters work unseasonal night shifts. Christmas as we know it, with cards and trees, seems […]

Opinion | We’re Getting Old, but We’re Not Doing Anything About It

One of the paradoxes of this presidential campaign is that while many of the candidates are in their eighth decade of life, fundamental issues associated with the aging of American society are still receiving relatively little attention from the public, the press and politicians themselves. In 2031, the oldest baby boomers will turn 85, entering […]

Your Tuesday Briefing

Good morning. We’re covering the ouster of Boeing’s chief executive, what Saudi Arabia’s sentencing of men involved in Jamal Khashoggi’s murder means and the latest challenge caused by the Fukushima disaster. With crisis far from over, Boeing fires C.E.O. The airplane manufacturer’s board of directors ousted Dennis Muilenburg, who came under fire for his handling […]

Caroline O'Doherty: 'Those in power need to accept the objections are often valid'

The hymn sheet that Brendan Kenny and Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy are sharing strikes a discordant note. They’re duetting on a lament about planning objectors, blaming them for difficulties in getting housing built. Kenny’s comments follow Murphy’s recent gripe to the Oireachtas Housing Committee when he complained of the “hypocrisy” that he encountered “every day” […]

Opinion | That Christianity Today Editorial Won’t Change Anything

Thursday night, Christianity Today, long known as the “flagship” magazine of American evangelicalism, broke the internet with an editorial arguing for the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump from office. The piece, penned by the magazine’s outgoing editor, Mark Galli, implored evangelicals to consider the “unambiguous facts” of the impeachment case against the president, maintaining […]

Opinion | A Conservative Effort to Defeat Trump

To the Editor: Re “Conservatives Against Trump,” by George T. Conway III, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver and Rick Wilson (Op-Ed, Dec. 19), announcing their Lincoln Project, an effort to preserve American values and defeat the president: I used to be a conservative and a Republican. Now I’m neither. However, the eloquent statement by four highly […]