Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Analysis & Comment

Read the latest Analysis & Comment News from around the UK. Get all the headlines, pictures, video and analysis on the stories that matter to you…

Brendan O'Connor: 'No Driving Home for Christmas'

Of course, the woke millennial liberazis won’t rest until they’ve wrecked Christmas. They’ve already put the kibosh on the work Christmas party by outlawing drunken shenanigans, and they’ve made everyone feel guilty about the annual Yuletide orgy of consumerism, packaging and waste. And now they’ve only gone and ruined Chris Rea’s seasonal classic Driving Home […]

Opinion | The Poverty and Prosperity of Losing My Husband

Last week I got new checks in the mail. It had been years since I needed any; like most people I find myself writing fewer and fewer checks these days. Cutting open the package, I was struck by the fact that where I used to receive a whole box of checks, I now got a […]

Opinion | Was the Virgin Mary a Virgin? Does It Matter?

Welcome to the latest in my occasional series of conversations about Christianity. Here’s my interview, edited for space, with Philip Yancey, an evangelical Christian writer who has more than 15 million books in print in more than 50 languages. KRISTOF Merry Christmas! And let me start by asking about that first Christmas. Do you believe […]

Editorial: 'One girl reveals cold truth behind our seasonal cheer'

There are strife-torn parts of the world where surviving childhood is something of a miracle. Thankfully this is not one of them, yet being young, poor and homeless here can be a deeply scarring experience as the story of ‘Ciara’ reveals today. We are one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and our Government […]

Dermot Bolger: 'A toast to all the absent friends … and a love that still touches us'

A cosy nostalgia is embedded in Christmas marketing every year: be it radio advertisements featuring men sentimentally recalling getting their first train set from their fathers or television ads of families reunited on Christmas Eve. Generally, these soft-focused confectioneries cost fortunes to make, but occasionally a magical narrative is conjured up for a tiny sum […]

Opinion | New York’s Subways Need Better Service, Not More Police

Subway crime remains at record-low levels. So it was confusing that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board voted this week to hire 500 additional police officers to patrol the subway and other parts of the transit system, diverting an estimated $250 million over four years in precious funds that should go toward improving service. While more […]

Editorial: 'Health plan isn't real cure our system so badly needs'

They say the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house; so no matter how insistent Health Minister Simon Harris is about addressing long-standing inequalities in the health service, there is no credible quick fix. Yet there are good reasons for reviewing our egregious two-tier system. It offers preferential treatment to those who can afford […]

Opinion | Surveillance in China: Implications for Americans

To the Editor: Re “China’s Blueprint for a Digital Totalitarian State” (front page, Dec. 18): Your reporting on the acceleration of the Chinese surveillance model should set off alarm bells in Washington. The implications are far-reaching, not simply for the inhabitants of the most populous country in the world, but also for those who live […]