Sunday, 30 Jun 2024

Analysis & Comment

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Opinion | Republicans and Democrats Need to Work Together. Earmarks Can Help.

As the Trump presidency fades to black, it is time for Washington to get to work. In embracing Joe Biden, the American people cast a vote for civility, pragmatism and competence. Lawmakers now have a duty to hunker down and find ways to make progress on critical issues. But with both chambers of Congress narrowly […]

A reshuffled deck awaiting the Biden administration in Asia

As analysts pore over US President-elect Joe Biden’s Cabinet picks for signs of what to expect by way of Asia policy directions, let us consider the other side of the coin – what awaits the new administration as it gets down to changing course and resetting relations with regional friends and allies after four years […]

Opinion | Wasn’t It Winter Just Yesterday?

In September, I bought a visual timer for Bert, my 8-year-old son. It’s just like a clock, but instead of hands, it has a red plastic film that turns the hour into a kind of pie chart. Set it to 15 minutes, and it silently counts down. Three beeps when it’s done. I ordered it […]

Opinion | The Rotting of the Republican Mind

In a recent Monmouth University survey, 77 percent of Trump backers said Joe Biden had won the presidential election because of fraud. Many of these same people think climate change is not real. Many of these same people believe they don’t need to listen to scientific experts on how to prevent the spread of the […]

Opinion | Pope Francis: A Crisis Reveals What Is in Our Hearts

In this past year of change, my mind and heart have overflowed with people. People I think of and pray for, and sometimes cry with, people with names and faces, people who died without saying goodbye to those they loved, families in difficulty, even going hungry, because there’s no work. Sometimes, when you think globally, […]

Opinion | What to Do About Student Loan Debt?

To the Editor: Re “Is This Where We Are, America?,” by Roxane Gay (Op-Ed, Nov. 23): I am a retired lawyer who spent hours reading federal student loan regulations in order to understand how and why my daughters’ 10-year-old student loan obligations far exceeded the amounts they had borrowed. The short answer was interest, interest, […]

Evergrande Property's Hong Kong IPO raises $1.8 billion: sources

FILE PHOTO: An exterior view of China Evergrande Centre in Hong Kong, China March 26, 2018. REUTERS/Bobby Yip/File PhotoHONG KONG (Reuters) – Evergrande Property Services Group’s initial public offering in Hong Kong has raised HK$14.3 billion ($1.8 billion), with stock sold at the lower end of the price range, three sources with direct knowledge of […]

Evergrande Property's Hong Kong IPO raises $1.8 billion: sources

FILE PHOTO: An exterior view of China Evergrande Centre in Hong Kong, China March 26, 2018. REUTERS/Bobby Yip/File PhotoHONG KONG (Reuters) – Evergrande Property Services Group’s initial public offering in Hong Kong has raised HK$14.3 billion ($1.8 billion), with stock sold at the lower end of the price range, three sources with direct knowledge of […]

Opinion | Thai Protesters Want to Rein in an Absentee King

There is something noble and inspiring about masses of people rising up to demand democracy. Such movements may not always succeed in ushering in better government — witness Hong Kong, or the Arab Spring — but even when they do not, they deliver an indelible message that elemental freedoms cannot be forever denied. The mass […]

Opinion | A Conspiracy to Steal the Election, Aided by 80 Million Voters

To the Editor: It looks as if Rudy Giuliani was on to something. There is now a growing body of evidence of a vast conspiracy to steal the election from President Trump. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security have confirmed that more than 80 million people conspired to steal the election by voting for […]