Monday, 24 Jun 2024

Stunning pics of Greenland make frozen wilderness look like something from outer space – The Sun

INCREDIBLE photos show the picture-perfect landscape of Greenland as an intrepid photographer put himself in each one of the frozen frames.

Taken by photographer Paul Zizka, the images showcase the amazing auroras, rolling landscapes and chilling ice caves of the island.

Paul dubbed it a 'Photographers Paradise' as he co-led an expedition of snappers into the breathtaking country.

The 40-year-old from Alberta, Canada said: "Greenland is a photographer's paradise.

“Ice, Aurora and breathtaking scenery always inspires beautiful images however this year, I particularly enjoyed exploring ice caves we discovered while on the Greenland icecap.”

Paul revealed that the group spent days sleeping on the ice to capture such unique shots.


He said: “Myself and a couple of friends spent four days camping on the ice sheet and while we had some challenging weather, we were rewarded with some incredible aurora and beautiful ice features.

“The aurora self-portraits taken among those enchanting features are my most treasured images from that adventure.

"Greenland always blows peoples’ minds and it's so rewarding for me to be able to bring people there and watch them experience the magic for the first time.

"There are no words to describe watching someone experience the aurora dance in the sky above them for the first time. “

Paul said Greenland is the “ultimate playground” for adventurous photographers like him.

He said: “It's a place that has so much to offer creatively that no two visits are ever the same.

“It is in my mind the ultimate playground for the type of work that I do. I have enjoyed a long-lasting love story with Greenland and my hope is that the place can retain its wild side.”

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