Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Instant karma strikes again! Videos show what goes around comes around

Instant karma strikes again! Husbands with wandering eyes, bullies getting payback and a drunk losing a fight with a table…just some of the vids that show what goes around comes around

While the age of the smartphone has changed all of our lives in countless ways, one genie we can never put back in the bottle is our ability to hide our most embarrassing moments. 

With everyone walking down the street armed with a one-man surveillance kit able to shoot videos around the world in seconds, it takes just one curious person to film it. 

MailOnline has once again prowled the depths of the internet to find the funniest moments of karmic retribution. 

Streamer left feeling put out as firefighter soaks him for getting too close

This cheeky streamer, who goes by @reappa_13 online, was trying to film a burning car being put out by firefighter, who rightly told him to get to a safe distance. 

After trying to crack a joke about having his own hose to put out the fire, the fed-up fireman quickly decides to spray him down with foam. 

The influencer screeches in shock, and exclaims ‘what the f***?!’ as video footage shows his legs soaked in foam. 

He then promptly tells another firefighter to ‘get the f***’ off him as he’s told to move away.

Reappa_13 then threatens to ‘push the f***’ out of the calm firefighter, before eventually waddling off in shame

Redditors weren’t too kind to the streamer, with one user writing: ‘Interfering with firemen is idiotic. This guys lucky all they did was foam him and not sic a cop on him.’

Another said: ‘Idiotic. An accident scene is still dangerous why the hell is he trying to get so close.’

A cheeky streamer was trying to film a burning car being put out by firefighter, who rightly told him to get to a safe distance. After trying to crack a joke about having his own hose to put out the fire, the fed-up fireman quickly decides to spray him down with foam

Herd instinct kicks in as young calf knocks down abusive farmer who attack mother

While cows are often very protective of their young, its not often we get to see young calves being protective of their mothers. 

But this young calf was spotted jumping and kicking an oddly well-dressed farmer in a move that would bring a tear to Jackie Chan’s eye. 

The farmer, dressed in a smart white jacket in the middle of a cow shed, was taped cruelling hitting a cow with a stick before the calf jumped up and kicked him down with its hind legs. 

Furious and covered in dung, the farmer is spotted jumping up with straw caught in his hair. 

The farmer, dressed in a smart white jacket in the middle of a cow shed, was taped cruelling hitting a cow with a stick

The calf jumped up and kicked him down with its hind legs in a move that would bring a tear to Jackie Chan’s eye

Someone’s sleeping on the sofa tonight: Wife chases husband down after he tries grinding on scantily clad woman

It’s hard to tell how you’d react to finding your partner grinding on someone else. 

But it’s clear that this wife wasn’t best pleased when she found her husband dancing on a scantily clad woman in the middle of a crowd. 

The leery husband was filmed grinding on the woman, wearing a white bikini, for just a second or two before his fuming wife leaps out of the shadows and starts smacking him on the head. 

As the husband is chased out of the crowd by his wife, the bikini-wearing woman looks on in amusement. 

While many were bemused by the video, others condemned the relationship. One social media user wrote: ‘I really wonder why people like this stay together. I couldn’t imagine being bound to someone I just loathed as a human being. 

‘And I think it’s fair to say this applies to both of them, they obviously don’t look happy, why bother?’

The leery husband was filmed grinding on the woman, wearing a white bikini, for just a second or two before his fuming wife leaps out of the shadows and starts smacking him on the head

Not worth bugging them, was it: Kayaker sorely regrets smacking tree filled with thousands of bugs

This kayaker sorely regretted smacking this tree full of bugs, after thousands of them were seen swarming out in a terrifying pack. 

His pal is heard cackling: ‘Holy s*** Devin, you’re f*****.’

Devin can be seen trying to get as many of the bugs away from him by splashing water in front of him, but he can’t overcome the thousands of live insects that begin swarming the area. 

Thankfully, the bugs seemed to be relatively harmless and simply flew around in confusion. 

This kayaker sorely regretted smacking this tree full of bugs with his paddle 

Thousands of them were seen swarming out in a terrifying pack. His pal is heard cackling: ‘Holy s*** Devin, you’re f*****’

Drinking yourself under the table: Drunk punter can’t hold his own against pub garden table

The UK is never short of people embarrassing themselves on nights out. 

As a nation of drinkers, hardly a day goes by without someone new being unable to hold their drink. 

One punter found himself becoming so furious that he began trying to lift and toss a pub garden table out of sheer frustration like it were a caber.

For a second, it really seems like he might actually flip it. 

But gravity, that pesky thing, ends up getting the better of him as his knees buckle and he finds himself buried underneath the table. 

The young men who were filming the video can be heard howling with laughter as the man folds completely. 

One punter found himself becoming so furious that he began trying to lift and toss a pub garden table out of sheer frustration like it were a caber. But gravity, that pesky thing, ends up getting the better of him as his knees buckle and he finds himself buried underneath the table

Kicking up a storm: Man attacking homeless person fly-kicked by hero pedestrian

It’s often said that the moral arc of the universe bends slowly towards justice.

It’s less often said, however, that karma has a way of kicking you in the face. 

That’s exactly what happened with this man, who was fly-kicked after he began hassling a homeless man in the street. 

The callous man was taped repeatedly smacking the homeless person on the head and pushing him about, before eventually kicking him several times. 

And while many other passers-by simply go about their day, one heroic pedestrian ends up fly-kicking the attacker to teach him a lesson. 

The attacker is seen going out like a light, folding in on himself as soon as the pedestrian’s shoes touch him. 

The callous man was taped repeatedly smacking the homeless person on the head and pushing him about, before eventually kicking him several times

One heroic pedestrian ends up fly-kicking the attacker to teach him a lesson. The attacker is seen going out like a light, folding in on himself as soon as the pedestrian’s shoes touch him

Cracked skulls for cashpoint criminals: Robbers who attack a woman served swift justice by calm passer-by

Petty theft is never something to be celebrated, but when you see plots of petty theft get foiled, it’s hard to keep a smirk off your face. 

After these two cowardly robbers begin terrorising a woman who is simply trying take cash out of a cashpoint, it’s initially hard to see this ending well. 

After the masked robbers brusquely push her against a wall and begin trying to get her cash out of the machine, a brave passer-by calmly walks over and behind handing out swift justice. 

In a John Wick-esque moment, the heroic hatted man walks over before delivering a solid punch to the face of one of the crooks, instantly knocking him out

His pal then scarpers, leaving the first robber laid out flat on his back as the passer-by managed to recover all the cash they tried stealing.

Oddly enough, many social media users didn’t blame the second robber for scarpering as quickly as he did. 

One Reddit user said: ‘If some dude Hollywood walks up to my buddy and sends him to the shadow realm with 1 casual punch, I would probably leave and take my chances running into traffic.’

Two cowardly robbers begin terrorising a woman who is simply trying take cash out of a cashpoint

A heroic hatted man walks over before delivering a solid punch to the face of one of the crooks, instantly knocking him out

Source: Read Full Article

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