Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Election vote: What YOU need to vote – everything you need to bring to vote tomorrow

The UK’s general election takes place on Thursday, December 12 and millions of Britons are expected to vote. In total, 650 MPs will be elected to form a fresh Parliament over the next five years.

What you need to vote

If you live in England, Wales or Scotland you do not need to bring anything vote.

When you get to the polling station give your name and address to the staff and you’ll be given a ballot paper containing a list of the people and parties you can vote for.

You do not need to bring any identification to vote in England, Wales and Scotland.


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However, people voting in Northern Ireland will need to show photo ID.

Identification could be your passport, driving licence, Electoral Identity Card or certain kinds of Translink Smartpass.

Ahead of the election you’ll be sent a poll card telling you when to vote and at which polling station.

You can only vote at the polling station location on your card.

You do not have to bring your poll card to vote.

If you’ve lost your card and don’t know which polling station you’re assigned, you can check at the Where Do I Vote? website. 

If you’re disabled, your local Electoral Registration Office can tell you about:

  • Physical access, for example wheelchair ramps and disabled parking spaces
  • Low-level polling booths
  • Equipment for voters with a visual impairment

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Election 2019: Who should YOU vote for in general election? [INSIGHT]
Election 2019: Why your vote MATTERS  [EXPLAINER]


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What time do polling stations open?

Polling stations will be open from 7am.

What time do polling stations close?

Polling stations will close at 10pm.

Who can vote?

To vote in the election on December 12 you must:

  • Be registered to vote
  • Be 18 or over on the day of the election (‘polling day’)
  • Be a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen
  • Be resident at an address in the UK (or a British citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years)
  • Not be legally excluded from voting

Source: Read Full Article

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