Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Paraglider gets tangled in power lines

Power cuts are frequent in Venezuela.

The eastern state of Táchira is one of the worst hit with residents complaining that they often spend up to eight hours without power.

The state-run power corporation Corpoelec rarely gives reasons for the cuts, while the government has in the past blamed “saboteurs”.

But on Sunday, Corpoelec was quick to say it would have to turn off the power – to free a paraglider who had become tangled in its power lines.

He posted a photo on Instagram pointing out the two wires which had to be disconnected in order to disentangle the paraglider.

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Camaradas! Al finalizar la tarde una persona que practicaba parapente, cayó sobre la guaya de guarda de la línea Uribante – El Corozo en 230 Kv. La persona está viva y se iniciaron las operaciones de rescate por parte de los organismos de seguridad del Estado. Para realizar la operación de rescate, hubo la necesidad de desenergizar las dos líneas identificadas con las flechas en negro, lo que afecta 16 municipios de 29 que tiene el Edo.Táchira. Igualmente se ven afectados 360 centros electorales en lo que a la transmisión de data se refiere. Los rescatistas estiman entre 30 y 45 minutos, la duración de la maniobra de rescate… (21.50) YA FUE RESCATADA LA PERSONA @nicolasmaduro @delcyrodriguezven @dcabellor @vtvcanal8 @mazo4f

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Camaradas! Al finalizar la tarde una persona que practicaba parapente, cayó sobre la guaya de guarda de la línea Uribante – El Corozo en 230 Kv. La persona está viva y se iniciaron las operaciones de rescate por parte de los organismos de seguridad del Estado. Para realizar la operación de rescate, hubo la necesidad de desenergizar las dos líneas identificadas con las flechas en negro, lo que afecta 16 municipios de 29 que tiene el Edo.Táchira. Igualmente se ven afectados 360 centros electorales en lo que a la transmisión de data se refiere. Los rescatistas estiman entre 30 y 45 minutos, la duración de la maniobra de rescate… (21.50) YA FUE RESCATADA LA PERSONA @nicolasmaduro @delcyrodriguezven @dcabellor @vtvcanal8 @mazo4f

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Mr Motta Dominguez later gave an update to say the man had been rescued. It is not clear if he suffered any injuries.

The minister said the power cut had affected 360 voting centres in the state where Venezuelans were casting their ballots in municipal elections on Sunday.

With mainstream opposition parties boycotting the vote, turnout was very low with just 27% casting a ballot. In 2013, participation in municipal elections was above 58%.

With many of those critical of the government staying away, the governing socialist PSUV party won almost all the seats up for grabs, according to electoral official Tibisay Lucena.

Newly elected councillors will face a raft of problems including shortages of food and medicines, cuts to the power and water supply, and worsening infrastructure as Venezuela continues trapped in a downward economic slide which has driven out more than 2.3 million Venezuelans since 2014.

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