Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

‘Zero chance’ Meghan White House dream mocked as Americans would dub her ‘joke candidate’

Meghan Markle’s Presidential aspirations slammed by McCain

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The Duchess of Sussex, along with her husband Prince Harry, stepped back as working members of the Royal Family in early 2020 when moving from the UK to her home US state of California. Since then, Meghan has made a series of interventions into US politics, lobbying politicians in the country for changes to parental leave and climate policy. At the end of June, the former actress was interviewed by feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem for Vogue, where she shared her reaction to the US Supreme Court overturning Roe versus Wade.

Speculation has been building that the Duchess could be setting her sights even higher and may one day consider launching a campaign to enter the race to become US President.

Earlier this year, Valerie Biden Owens, the sister of current US President Joe Biden, claimed he would “welcome her [Meghan] to come in and join the Democratic Party”, adding “yes, perhaps, of course, she will” make a good presidential candidate.

Last month, an insider said to be close to the 41-year-old said Meghan is “convinced she’d be a huge success in politics and is taking it incredibly seriously, adding: “She’s convinced there’s a huge opportunity here and is looking to run in the 2028 elections.”

But Washington-based foreign policy expert Nile Gardiner, who was an aide to late UK Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher, has launched a furious attack against any attempts from Meghan to run for the US presidency.

He told Express.co.uk: “Meghan Markle is clearly quite delusional if she thinks she could end up as President of the United States.

“The fact that her name is being mentioned in these conversations is a demonstration of how desperate the American Left are at the moment.

“Meghan Markle would be a spectacular failure as a presidential contender and would not be a serious contender.

“But the Left in the US are in such a state of decline that all options are on the table with presidential candidates, and Meghan Markle’s name is being thrown around as a possibility.

“She would have zero chance of becoming US President as she has zero qualifications for the job.”

Mr Gardiner said if Meghan ever did decide to throw her hat into the ring for the US presidency, Americans would simply view her as a “joke candidate” because of her huge lack of qualifications for the top job.

He continued: “If she (Meghan) ever did decide to run for the US presidency, the American public would view her as a joke candidate.

“There would probably be a section on the far left that would support her views but the vast amount of Americans would view her as vastly unqualified for a presidential run.

“The Democrats banding her name around at the moment demonstrates huge desperation from them.”

Earlier this month, Meghan received a huge boost after gaining support from Democrat supporters to run for the US Presidency in a Democracy Institute/Express.co.uk tracker poll.

Mr Biden’s approval rating as US President has remained extremely low in recent weeks, and it is widely speculated his Democrats will opt for a female candidate to run next time, with the poll showing Michelle Obama a long way ahead on 41 percent.

Meghan has yet to formally enter US politics but was still a clear second on 19 percent and was well ahead of more established rivals – ten points ahead of current Vice President Kamala Harris.

Patrick Basham, Director of the Democracy Institute told Exprtess.co.uk: “Megan Markle is a candidate Democratic voters can project their hopes and preferences on. Yes she is a well known figure. but she is not a well known political figure.

“Although those who have a sense for politics know that she is of a woke, progressive, left liberal disposition, we don’t know what she thinks in detail on a wide range of issues. That doesn’t matter for most people.”

He continued: “Among Democrats, she is young, female, attractive, bi-racial. She has a certain pizazz because of her celebrity status and all of that.

“She benefits from that being the fresh face and also by comparison with her would-be competitors.

“With the exception of Michelle Obama the other females that we have polled on, potential contenders, they are all pretty much well known and their downsides are well known.

“There is nothing to make them stand out in the way Markle does.”

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