Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025

You might hate Extinction Rebellion's methods but they're changing the world

I was arrested on Wednesday in Whitehall for violating a draconian London-wide Section 14 order and blocking the street as part of Extinction Rebellion’s protests.

The fight against the climate catastrophe is changing. Changing the way our democracy functions for the better and changing the way we all participate in it.

Yesterday I went to Trafalgar Square. Next to it is a plaque which describes it as: ‘the centre for national rejoicing and assemblies and rallies’. I do not accept that anyone should forbid or curb our right to protest – a human right that the police should support and protect, not suppress.

I know many reading this article will oppose the disruption caused on Thursday morning by a small section of Extinction Rebellion (XR) on the Tube. But I think it is important to understand their motives and how we as Londoners should support both the majority of the actions being taken and the underlying reasons.

The key idea for XR in this country and in over 140 others is to highlight how the climate emergency needs to be central to the political agenda not just in the UK but around the world. Carbon budgets must be at the top of the agenda and the environment the bottom line for every decision that is made.

Should every Londoner support every single action taken by XR, no matter what they do? Of course not. But everyone should support the aim of putting the climate emergency and its urgency front and centre.

As I have marched with young people who have left school to take to the streets, they have asked me what the point is of getting an education if their future is being stolen from them.

They have realised that the old system is incapable of addressing an overarching and comprehensive problem like the climate emergency. They have realised that to bring urgent and lasting change in the way in which our society works, the old politics has to change too.

As I was handcuffed and put in a police van I couldn’t help but think the way in which the Metropolitan police are handling and policing these protests is part of protecting of the status quo.

A status quo that is content with a net zero carbon target in 2050 – that we already are on track to miss according to the Committee on Climate Change. A status quo that speaks of the need for change to save the environment but then ploughs ahead with Heathrow expansion and fossil fuel subsidies that undermine completely the fight to tackle climate change.

A system that uses gagging orders, injunctions and the full force of the police to stop those highlighting how new fossil fuel industries like fracking and the environmental vandalism of HS2 are contributing to a system that continues to work as if it was business as usual. As if the extreme climate events of the last few months, the melting glaciers and the droughts around Europe were all part of a ‘new’ normality.

I don’t accept this. I don’t accept a government unable to take difficult and urgent choices. I don’t accept an empty 2050 target. I don’t accept a world in which climate justice is not the centrepiece of every government.

Climate protesters around the world are changing the way in which our democracy works. They are not accepting the situation passively. And in taking a stand, most notably with the use of citizen’s assemblies, they are renewing and refreshing the concept of participatory democracy. Democracy is not just what happens at elections.

Being supportive of not just the aim of the climate protests but the very right to protest means recognising that they enrich our society and make us stronger. It means understanding that when each one of us fights for the future of our planet it will be impossible for the old system to ignore us. And this will lead at last to meaningful and long-lasting change.

Source: Read Full Article

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