Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Woman mauled in savage dog attack issues warning as she shares horrific images

The victim of a horror dog attack has shared pictures of the harrowing incident and questioned whether someone “needs to die” before authorities act on violent dog owners.

Jennie Lawrenson, 50, was mauled by a pit bull outside a Manchester Airbnb in 2021 and left feeling she would die as the dog ripped into her arms, shoulders, legs and torso.

The dog, named Kaiser, turned on her as she tried to throw its owner, Holly Snelgar, out of her property and rounded on her partner, Myles Waldron, who came to her aid.

She required days’ worth of hospital treatment and has been left scarred for life by the experience.

But Kaiser was not destroyed, and Ms Lawrenson fears the dog may have been returned to its owner.

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Ms Lawrenson shared distressing photos from her December 2021 ordeal with the Daily Mirror showing the extensive damage to her legs and arms.

The images show a mix of deep scars and healing wounds, with clear puncture marks where the dog’s teeth ripped into her skin.

She was attacked when she confronted Snelgar, an influencer and model, and two male friends who were staying at the Manchester city property she rents out as an Airbnb.

Ms Lawrenson, whose primary home is adjacent to the property, said the house appeared “broken into or wrecked”, and the dog attacked when she asked the guests to leave.

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The dog started “clamping on to my arm” after its owners refused to leave without a refund, she said.

She said no one attempted to free her from the dog’s jaws, with only her partner trying to intervene while the three house guests “just watched”.

She alleged that Snelgar was “laughing” as the attack ensued, and she was attacked two more times as the group left the property.

Police attended the property, and Snelgar, of Hampshire, attacked an officer.

She was given a community order following a court appearance last month requiring her to complete 125 hours of unpaid work, with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

She must also pay Ms Lawrenson £300 in compensation and Mr Waldron £200.

While Kaiser was sent to Greater Manchester Police kennels, Ms Lawrenson said GMP has not confirmed whether the dog was returned to Snelgar or a third party.

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