Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

Woman feels ‘discriminated’ by KFC over its lack of meat-free options

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Vanessa Hensley and her partner Aaron Saini visited their local branch on Saturday for a takeaway treat but, as Devon Live reports, staff told them there were no vegan or vegetarian options available.

I think its disgusting because there are more and more people becoming vegan and vegetarian these days

Vanessa Hensley

Vanessa, who is pescatarian, had hoped to enjoy the vegetarian burger or veggie ricebox but she and Aaron decided to leave and have fish and chips instead.

The experience left Vanessa, of Exeter, “angry” and “upset”.

“We were all going to treat ourselves as a household to a family bargain bucket and also a vegetarian meal for myself,” Vanessa said today.

“When my partner got to the till to order they said unfortunately we haven’t got any vegan or vegetarian options on the menu anymore – I thought that was absolutely disgraceful.

“They didn’t say a reason why – they were quite rude to my partner.”

The angry diner added: “I think its disgusting because there are more and more people becoming vegan and vegetarian these days.

“We both left and said we’ll go elsewhere for food – my partner said its not fair so we ended up having fish and chips.

“I felt as though we vegetarians and vegans don’t mean anything to them.”

Now, Vanessa won’t ever go to a KFC again.

“I think if they don’t have those options for people with certain dietary requirements that they should have signage to say ‘we don’t cater for those people’,” she continued.

“For a takeaway and eat-in restaurant they’re kind of losing out on money.

“I’m not going to KFC ever again.”

In response to the incident a spokesperson for KFC said: “We never want our fans to leave feeling disappointed.

“It’s always amazing to see how popular our Original Recipe Vegan Burger is, but due to less demand from people out and about at the start of this year, and our focus on running our restaurants responsibly with smaller teams, we prioritised the vegan burger in areas where it was a massive hit.

“We’re sorry this guest wasn’t able to get their hands on one.”

Source: Read Full Article

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