Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Woman claims she was left partially ‘blind’ after road rage ‘attack’

Two men attack a woman in her car in Cornwall

A woman who claims she was “punched” by two men in a shocking road rage incident has shared the Dashcam footage online. Liz, from Cornwall, shared the video on TikTok after she claimed Devon and Cornwall Police dropped her case. In the footage, a car can be seen breaking in front of Liz, 29, before two men exit the vehicle. Seconds later, Liz can be heard screaming as the two men appear to return to their car and drive off.

Liz said she shared the clip on TikTok with the hope of warning other women in the area.

Speaking about the incident that took place on June 6, 2021 at around 9.20pm, she said: “I was on my way to a night shift. About 10 minutes prior, these men were tailgating me. I slowed down and moved so they could pass. They didn’t do that, they just proceeded to flash their lights and go right up my back. At this point, I was very scared, very frightened. We got to a point where the speed limit changed and it was going from a 40 to a 60.

“So naturally you speed up. They were tailgating me then. I was slowing down, shouting f*** off. I was scared. We got to a junction and they overtook me at the junction. They slammed their breaks. I had to force my breaks on.

“The passenger got out of the car. My window was down at the time. I was vaping and my air conditioning was broken. I thought ‘what is the issue’. The passenger came running up and at first I thought he just wanted to talk. He started shouting at me in a foreign language.

“He was trying to unlock my door at first and shook my car. I was screaming and screaming at him, telling him to go away and leave me alone. He was shouting at me and I couldn’t understand anything he was saying. He grabbed my head and then punched me several times in my ear, my eye, and my nose which caused it to bleed.”

The footage then shows the driver exiting the car and walking towards Liz. The two men go out of view of the camera but can be heard shouting while Liz screams and appears to cry.

Liz added: “The other male driver came out of his car and proceeded to hit me. The first male was screaming and screaming. He tried to go for me again but I caught him and scratched his face. I was so helpless. I genuinely thought I was going to die.

“It felt like a lifetime but when I looked back it was a minute long. A minute long of hell. My whole life had flashed before my eyes. They walked back to their car after everything had happened and they drove off. An oncoming car saw I was in distress and a lovely couple stopped and helped me.

“They rang my work because at the time I absolutely love my job and I didn’t want to be in trouble for being late. 30 seconds later, a kind couple pulled up behind me and called 999.

“The ambulance and the police were called and the elderly couple rang my parents. I was very shaken up and couldn’t see through my right eye. I believe if I didn’t fight back, they would have killed me. After the police came an hour later, I explained as much as I could. I was covered in blood. The ambulance didn’t come. My mum had to take me into A&E.”

After arriving at hospital, Liz said doctors told her she was “lucky to be alive”. She then said she was diagnosed with severe concussion, as well having a sore under her eye and a bleeding but not broken nose.

She also said she has suffered from severe tinnitus since the incident and has slight vision loss in her right eye.

But it didn’t end there, as Liz had to relive the incident when giving her statement to the police who she claims “victim blamed me”.

She said: “I wanted to make sure that I could get these men. I waited and waited for days to hear what was going on. I was scared to go anywhere. The police said the men denied touching me, and used the excuse that I had been drink driving. One officer claimed I provoked them, while another said I self inflicted the injuries. The police said it would be more serious if it was manslaughter.”

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Speaking about the lasting impacts, Liz said she wanted to “end” her life and has had to take months off work after being scared to leave her house.

She said the police visited her months after the incident to “apologise” for the handling of the case and claimed a disciplinary was being held.

Liz said: “I have been overwhelmed with everything. The reason I have decided to speak about it now is because people need to know, not because of me but there are dangerous men out there in Cornwall and i do not want this to happen to anyone else.

“I genuinely wanted to end my life. I had to take months off work. The police came over months later and brought me an apology letter stating they shouldn’t have victim blamed me and that a disciplinary would be taking place. I was told they can not reopen the case.”

Devon and Cornwall Police have been contacted for comment.

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