Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Woman arrested for setting Pride flag on fire outside NYC restaurant

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A woman was arrested after caught on video burning an LGBTQ Pride flag hanging outside a lower Manhattan restaurant on Sunday.

Angelina Cando, 30, was arrested and charged with arson, criminal mischief and reckless endangerment. Each charge was upgraded to a hate crime.

The rainbow flag, which displayed the phrase ‘Make America Gay Again,’ hung outside a French restaurant called The Little Prince on the corner of Prince Street and MacDougal Street in SoHo.

On Sunday morning around 1.30am, a woman was caught on camera getting out of the passenger seat of a white SUV and setting the flag aflame with a lighter.

A restaurant worker noticed the fire moments later and ran to get help. The fire also spread to the restaurant’s awning, which was put out by FDNY firefighters.

Just hours later the same morning, NYC Councilmember Erik Bottcher brought the restaurant a new flag and hung it before the fire-blackened windows of the SoHo eatery.

‘This flag is five times the size of the original flag,’ Bottcher said. ‘So the person who did this – their plan has backfired, and backfired badly.’

Just two days later, Cando was arrested and slapped with hate crime charges.

‘Anyone who is contemplating attacks against the LGBTQ community, or any marginalized group, should know they will be held accountable,’ Bottcher said after the arrest.

Detectives also believe she is responsible for vandalizing NYPD cruisers in Tribeca the same night of the arson.

A woman was seen writing ‘Jesus is King’ in black ink on two patrol cars around 6.30pm on Sunday night. Cando was charged with criminal mischief and possession of graffiti tools for this incident.

Less than a month earlier, Cando was also arrested for assault of a family member she lives with in Manhattan. She was arrested again for menacing a stranger in a pizzeria just days later.

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