Monday, 1 Jul 2024

William and Kate braced for ANOTHER fiery protest after touching down in Bahamas

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived in The Bahamas, the last nation they will visit during their overseas tour, on Thursday afternoon. There, Kate and William were welcomed by Prime Minister Philip Davis and his wife Ann-Marie.

Mr Davis didn’t touch on politics during his meeting with the Cambridges but, rather, expressed his happiness at finally meeting them, saying their visit was “long overdue”.

Despite this warm welcome to The Bahamas, on the eve of their arrival to the island Kate and William were put on notice they could be facing more turmoil during their tour.

The Bahamas National Reparations Committee (BNRC) released an incendiary letter this week, in which they called on the Royal Family and the UK Government to acknowledge their past links to slavery and then issue reparations.

The letter read: “They and their family of royals and their government must acknowledge that their diverse economy was built on the backs of our ancestors. 

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“And then, they must pay. We, the children of those victims, owe it to our ancestors to remember.

“We owe it to our ancestors to demand a reckoning and to demand accountability, healing, and justice.”

The letter also said: “The Duke and Duchess may not be compelled to make such a declaration during their visit to our shores.

“They may not be able at this time to speak on behalf of the Queen and their government.  

“However, they can no longer ignore the devastation of their heritage.”

The Committee also touched on the expenses of the royal visit, to be partially forked out by the local government.

The letter read: “We, the members of the Bahamas National Reparations Committee (BNRC), recognise that the people of the Bahamas have been left holding the bag for much of the cost of this extravagant trip.

“Why are we footing the bill for the benefit of a regime whose rise to ‘greatness’ was fuelled by the extinction, enslavement, colonisation, and degradation of the people of this land?  

“Why are we being made to pay again?” 


Source: Read Full Article

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