Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Where will HS2 run to? Grant Schapps unveils new plan for rail

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Changes to HS2 mean the planned high-speed line from Birmingham to Leeds and another between Leeds and Manchester will not go ahead. The move has caused a wave of backlash from northern leaders who feel the north of England is being forgotten and betrayed by the current Government.

In an announcement to the House of Commons this morning, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps outlined his new plans for rail infrastructure in the north and midlands.

Mr Schapps outlined a £96 billion programme to “transform” rail services in the areas, saying it would build a “world-class railway that delivers for passengers and freight”.

Mr Shapps continued: “In the original scheme, the HS2 track would not have reached the East Midlands and the North until the early 2040s.
He adds: “Clearly a rethink was needed so the project would deliver for the regions that it served as soon as possible.”

The Integrated Rail Plan, the Transport Secretary says, was born out of a “desire to deliver sooner”.

The change is another profound U-turn for the Government, which promised in May of this year the HS2 leg to Leeds would go ahead – and even be delivered earlier than planned.

In a press release, the Department of Transport said the new plan had been drawn up “after it became clear that the full HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail schemes as originally proposed would not enter service until the early to mid-2040s”.

The release promised a plan that will deliver journey times “similar or faster” than the original HS2 and Manchester to Leeds schemes.

The Prime Minister recently promised in the Yorkshire Post “faster journeys, to more places, more quickly”.

Northern leaders have reacted with dismay to the plans, with fears mounting that once again the north will be left behind.

Susan Hinchcliffe, the leader of Bradford City Council, said: “London to Reading takes 20 minutes, it’s the same distance as between Manchester and Bradford, which takes about an hour.

“We need that level of connectivity in the North, but it is also about the transformational impact of connecting the great cities of the North, including to each other, and the impact that has on the city centre and towns where they’re located.

“People of the North are resigned to having a poor deal for many, many years.”

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What is happening with HS2? Where will it run to?

Originally the plan was to connect London to Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.

The first leg has already begun, which would link the West Midlands to London – with the next section extending this to Crewe.

The final phase was to run HS2 to Manchester and Leeds, however, the Leeds section has been scrapped under the new plans.

Phase 1 connecting London and Birmingham is due to be completed between 2028 to 2031.

Then Phase 2 running up to Crewe and Manchester will be finished between 2029 and 2033.

The scrapped link to Leeds was touted as cutting the journey between London and Leeds by 50 minutes.

The rest of the line, from London to Birmingham, Birmingham to Crewe and Birmingham to East Midlands Parkway, will go ahead as planned.

‘Red Wall’ Tories who won their seats in the landslide 2019 election have reportedly reacted with dismay to the plans.

Lord Jim O’Neill, former treasury minister and Vice-Chair of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, said this morning: “Given the amount of uproar it will cause in Red Wall seats and Tory northern MPs, especially in the current time, I’m not quite sure why they’ve done it.”

Tory MP Huw Merriman chairman of the Transport Select Committee, said: “The Prime Minister promised that HS2 and Northern Powerhouse rail was not an either/or option and those in Leeds and Bradford may be forgiven for viewing it today as neither.

“This is the danger in selling perpetual sunlight and leaving the others to explain the arrival of moonlight.

“Because on a standalone basis, this plan compromises some fantastic projects that will slash journey times and better connect our great northern cities, and for that the transport team deserves much credit.”

Source: Read Full Article

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