Friday, 20 Sep 2024

When will school bubble system be scrapped?

Gavin Williamson says some schools ‘close too early’

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The Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has said he expects schools will get rid of the “bubble” system currently adhered to in schools. This system tries to minimise mixing between school children in a bid to keep Covid outbreaks under control. So, when will this system be scrapped?

Mr Williamson told MPs the bubble system would be removed as part of the “next step” in the process of unlocking.

This “next step” is currently scheduled for July 19, the so-called “freedom day” which was postponed by four weeks last month due to concerns over the Delta variant.

Responding to an urgen question from Labour in the Commons today, Mr Williamson said he acknowledged the “frustration of parents and pupils who may feel like they’re being asked to isolate unnecessarily.”

He added: “I want to see these restrictions, including bubbles, removed as quickly as possible,”

Mr Williamson is facing growing criticism from MPs over pupils being sent home.

Children being sent home for Covid-related reasons has quadrupled this month sparking criticism from parents and MPs over the fairness of the bubble system.

Only about four percent of those having to isolate tested positive for the virus.

Most children are sent home because of a potential contact at school rather than having tested positive themselves.

What is the bubble system in schools?
A “bubble” is a group of people who can come into close physical contact.

Schools throughout the UK have been using year groups and/or class bubbles to help reduce too many students from mixing.

Creating distinct groups which do not mix with others groups makes it easier to identify those who may need to self-isolate if someone from within their bubble tests positive for Covid.

But, the system has been criticised, if one school child tests positive it often means all of the other children within the same bubble will need to self-isolate even if they haven’t got the virus.

This is seen by some as unfair and has been negatively impacting on individual’s learning.

Shadow Education Secretary Kate Green said a different approach to sending children home over Covid concerns needed to take place quickly.

She said: ”Action is needed now to protect the final weeks of learning this year.

“Changing restrictions for five days at the end of term will create more chaos for schools and families.

“Schools, parents and pupils need urgent clarity. If bubbles will end on 19 July, schools need to know now so they can plan,” Ms Green added.

MPs from both sides appear to be concerned about the worrying increase in school children being sent home.

Conservative MP, James Daly said 2,000 school children were currently isolating in his area he said: ”We cannot allow this situation to continue.”

Source: Read Full Article

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