Monday, 23 Sep 2024

‘We don’t need €750bn EU rescue!’ Lib Dem remoaner blasted by radio host on coronavirus

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Liberal Democrat Health Spokeswoman Munira Wilson argued the UK could potentially lose out from not being a part of the European Union’s coronavirus recovery fund. While on TalkRadio with Alastair Stewart, she claimed the UK would have more coronavirus vaccine buying power if it partnered with EU member states. Mr Stewart dismissed these claims and insisted the UK was making strong progress without the EU.

Mr Stewart argued the EU have struggled to agree on the details of the recovery fund package over the last few days.

He added the UK may be better out of that situation than in it.

He said: “Would you have liked us to be at that meeting that lasted five nights and resulted in a €750billion package?

“I know what your position is on Brexit and the European Union but looking at that last night, are we not better out of that than in it?”

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He added the UK is currently very versatile in securing a potential vaccine.

He said: “One of the things I find intriguing about the £90million order and the £60million order as well.

“That it is with American companies, German companies, French companies, Great British Universities and academics across borders.

“We are making that progress without having to subscribe to €750billion rescue package.”

Mr Stewat also reiterrated the difficulties the EU have had on trying to agree on the details of their €750billion coronavirus recovery fund during their summit.

Ms Wilson said: “One thing I would say is on the fact we haven’t agreed to be part of the European Union’s procurement scheme.

“That slightly worries me because we do have far greater buying power when buying with other countries.

“I would like to see some analysis as to whether we are getting as good a deal as some of the European countries that are clubbing together.”


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Ms Wilson also reflected on the risks the Government are having to take with coronavirus vaccine development and her fears for the future.

Ms Wilson said: “We have seen the impact that coronavirus has had on our lives and our economy by being in full shutdown.

“We are only starting to emerge, clearly all Governments are going to have to take big financial risks by potentially putting money behind vaccines that do not work.

“If the Government weren’t to do that and we then found that one of these vaccines does work but we are at the back of the queue, we would also rightly be criticising.”

Source: Read Full Article

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