Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

WATCH moment EU flag removed from UK embassy in Brussels in symbol of Brexit freedom

As the UK’s freedom neared, diplomats made the symbolic gesture to rid the building of any signs of former membership of the European political project. It began the final countdown to the festivities expected on the stroke of 11pm when the UK is set free from the grips of Brussels. Work to erase memory of Britain’s membership got underway earlier today as the European Parliament lowered the Union flag in its Brussels’ visitor centre.

In an early snub to Brexit, only the remaining 27 member states and the bloc’s own Union flag was on show at the tourist attraction’s entrance.

Officials were due to remove all symbols of UK membership a minute after midnight once Britain has finally left.

Crowds have already started to gather around the largest Union flag outside the Parliament in anticipation for its lowering.

Eurocrats have refused to hold ceremonies as they mourn losing Britain from the bloc’s membership base.

The European Council’s private ceremony will mark the end of over four decades of our membership to Brussels’ little club.

In a coverup, visitors will be ejected from the institution’s Justus Lipsius and Europa buildings to stop the moment from becoming a spectacle.

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