Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

WATCH IN FULL: Brexit The Final Countdown – a podcast for the 17.4 million

On this week’s Brexit The Final Countdown podcast, presenter Rebecca Hutson was joined by Express.co.uk Head of News Paul Baldwin, and Video News Editor Thomas Hunt. Mr Baldwin made an impressive analogy to highlight on the confusion and “lunacy” behind Theresa May’s Brexit talks with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

I think it redefines what the phrase useful and constructive means

Paul Baldwin

Mr Baldwin said: “The cross-party talks on Tuesday were described as useful and constructive.

“I think that redefines what the phrase useful and constructive means.

“A useful and constructive talk would be me and Tom in the pub and me saying to Tom what do you fancy and him saying I’ll have a pint of Peroni, please.

“I go and get two pints of Peroni and sit down at the table, that is a useful and constructive talk.


“Imagine I am out with Jeremy Corbyn and I say Jezza what do you fancy and he says do you know what Paul, between you and me I would quite like a London Pride.

“But my friends might think that was a bit anti-European.

“So maybe I’ll get half a Peroni and London Pride in the same glass, how about that.

“I’d turn to him and say ‘Jezza you’re a lunatic, I am never going out with you again’.”

The comments follow the release of a YouGov poll, which reveals Britons think Tory and Labour policies on Brexit are the least clear.

Just 13 percent think Labour’s Brexit policy is understandable after a series of changes, with Jeremy Corbyn failing to confirm his stance on several occasions.

As for the Tories, 17 percent think their stance is clear on Brexit, following Theresa May’s constant delays and pursuit of a deal with the EU.

The Brexit Party have a massive 59 percent in the poll, meaning their policy on Brexit is crystal clear to voters.

Up to 1,655 voters took part in the poll between May 13-14.

Source: Read Full Article

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