Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024

Victory for Daily Express: Campaign for compensation for families of NHS victims approved

Health Secretary Matt Hancock pledged support from the Government after figures revealed that nearly 100 health and care workers have been among the patients who have died from the killer bug in UK hospitals. The scheme, similar to the bereavement support available to Armed Forces families, could also be extended to relatives of other key workers who make the ultimate sacrifice after risking their lives in the effort to tackle the epidemic.

Mr Hancock’s announcement marked a massive victory for the Daily Express crusade for a Coronavirus Compensation Scheme for the NHS and care workers.

And it comes ahead of a national two minutes’ silence for the fallen heroes of the crisis due to be led by Boris Johnson at 11am today.

Mr Hancock unveiled the new life assurance scheme at the Government’s daily coronavirus briefing in Downing Street last night after confirming a daily coronavirus death toll of 360, the lowest total this month.

“Sadly, these death figures include 82 NHS colleagues and 16 colleagues who work in social care. 

“They dedicated their lives to caring for others and I feel a deep personal sense of duty that we must care for their loved ones,” the Health and Social Care Secretary said.

At least 20 more NHS staff are thought to have died of coronavirus once deaths in the community are taken into account.

Mr Hancock added: “Today I’m able to announce that the Government is setting up a life assurance scheme for NHS and social care frontline colleagues. 

“Families of staff who die from coronavirus in the course of their essential frontline work will receive a £60,000 payment.

“Of course, nothing replaces the loss of a loved one. 

“But we want to do everything we can to support families who are dealing with this grief.

“And as government, we’re looking closely at other professions that work on the front line against coronavirus who also don’t have access to such schemes to see where this may be required.

“This crisis has shown this country values so much our health and social care workers.”

Lib Dem MP Layla Moran, who championed the campaign, said: “This is a huge win for the campaign to introduce a Coronavirus Compensation Scheme. 

“I’m thankful for the support received from over 60 cross-party MPs, over 8,000 members of the public and the Daily Express, which backed the campaign and put it on the front page. 

“Together, we convinced the Government that this compassionate scheme is needed.

“Our NHS heroes are putting their lives on the line, and we believe that their families deserve to be protected. 

“They should know that if the worst happens, the state will help their families. It is what they need, and what they deserve.

“Now, the Government needs to go further. The scheme should include the families of all key workers – carers, teachers and bus drivers to name a few – who die on the frontline. 

“The scheme should also match that given to the Armed Forces, covering pension benefits and funeral costs.”

Health and care unions welcomed the life assurance scheme last night.

Donna Kinnair, the chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said: “On the eve of the silence to remember those who paid the highest price, this announcement will bring reassurance to families in difficult situations. 

“No amount of cash can make up for a family member who passes away but financial security should never add to the worries of those in grief.

“The RCN and other health unions fought for this government announcement and we will examine the detail closely. 

“It must be easily accessed, open to those in social care and primary care too and be paid promptly – no family should face a lengthy or complex process.”

Jon Skewes, of the Royal College of Midwives, said: “The RCM have worked hard along with colleagues from other NHS unions to secure this additional payment for the bereaved spouses and families of midwives and other frontline NHS workers. 

“The securing of this payment on top of existing pension entitlements is real recognition of the risk RCM members and all other frontline staff face during this pandemic payment.

 “This payment will be on top of existing pension entitlements and importantly the agreement covers all those working in the period of two weeks before symptoms began. It also includes those who have returned to service and students who have come into service early to help the NHS cope with this deadly disease. The RCM is also calling for fair remuneration for the excess hours NHS staff are currently working.”

Dave Prentis, the General Secretary of the public sector union Unison,  said: “It’s only right the families of all those who worked for the NHS or in social care, and who’ve sadly lost their lives to the virus, are properly provided for.

“Until now, the relatives of any low-paid health worker who died and had opted out of the NHS pension scheme would’ve received nothing. Nor would the families of care workers on precarious contracts. Thankfully now that wrong has been put right.

 “Until their untimely deaths, all were looking after patients, saving lives, caring for the elderly and the vulnerable in our hospitals and care homes. Putting themselves in harm’s way, while most of us were safe at home.

“All the money in the world can’t replace a loved one. Nor can it lessen the deep grief relatives are experiencing. 

“But providing financial security for the families of all those who’ve paid the ultimate price for their professionalism and dedication is the very least we can do.

“At 11am tomorrow the nation will take a moment to pay a silent tribute to all workers who’ve lost their lives during the pandemic. Now at least their families won’t be worrying about how to pay for funerals and will have some financial peace of mind.”

Dr Vishal Sharma, the chairman of the British Medical Association’s pensions committee, said: “Losing a loved one during these horrific times will be difficult enough for families, without the added pressure of losing what may be their main source of income, leaving them unsure of what the future holds.

“While this single payment may seem a sizeable sum, it comes nowhere near compensating families for the lifetime income their loved one may have earned if they hadn’t died prematurely, fighting this crisis on the frontline. This is particularly true for young or recently qualified staff.”

“Increasing numbers of families are dealing with the loss of a loved one as the death toll for front line workers rises, they should not also face a future without financial security. 

“The BMA will be examining closely the detail of the Government’s life assurance scheme.”

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