Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Verhofstadt says Farage is more interested in ‘DESTROYING’ Tories than Brexit

Mr Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s Brexit negotiator, claimed it is “unclear” if Mr Farage’s election campaign really focused on Brexit. The former Belgian prime minister, who leads a bloc of liberal MEPs, said the battle between Brexiteers and Remainers would change the political landscape in Britain forever. And Mr Verhofstadt, 66, is predicting an upset when Britons vote in European elections tomorrow, despite the country voting to leave the European Union almost three years ago.

Writing for, he said: “With the governing party in disarray, polling suggests the Brexit Party will do well, but it is unclear whether Nigel Farage still prioritises Brexit, or are these elections part of a personal campaign to destroy the Conservative party.”

“In Britain, this election has become a two-horse race,” Mr Verhofstadt added.

“If you support Brexit, the options are clear.

“However, if you want to say ‘Bollox to Brexit’, the choice is even clearer: vote Liberal Democrat.

“I suspect the biggest story of these elections won’t be the one that everyone suspects.”

Mr Verhofstadt believes the parties with a clear message – the Brexit Party and Lib Dems – will benefit most from mixed messages sent from the Conservatives and Labour.

“This was the election no on expected, but it is clear to me that those parties who have stood by their guns, especially the Lib Dems, will benefit from holding true to their beliefs,” he said.

In a separate interview, Mr Verhofstadt warned Boris Johnson, the bookmakers’ favourite to replace Theresa May as Prime Minister, could destroy the EU altogether.

The Belgian MEP told the Times: “It is always Russia. Talk about Garage, it’s Russia. On top of that you have a hard-Brexiteer who wants to become leader of the Conservative party. Am I too suspicious? I see a real organised attempt to destroy the European project as a whole.

“My sense of Brexit is it an element of a more global picture. I think that everybody agrees that the Brexit discussion was manipulated.

“Are we not living and seeing the same thing but on a European level? It is not a referendum, it is a European election, but it is the same dynamic.

“It is the same attack that was against Britain in the EU and now is about the EU itself.”

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