Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Unrest spreading in Europe as coronavirus lockdowns return

VIENNA (BLOOMBERG) – Several thousand protesters gathered in Vienna on Saturday (Nov 20) after the Austrian government announced a vaccine mandate and a national lockdown to contain record coronavirus cases.

The demonstration came as unrest is on the rise in Europe, where governments are increasingly targeting the unvaccinated.

Protesters, mostly unmasked, shouted and sang, and waved flags and home-made signs. The far-right Freedom Party, which opposes vaccine directives, spearheaded the action to protest against Austria’s moves.

The demonstration followed one in Rotterdam on Friday that turned violent, with several people injured and water cannons turned on protesters.

European governments are desperate to end the pandemic after more than 18 months. A fourth wave of infections has reached record levels in several countries, putting health systems under strain yet again.

In their bid to put Covid-19 behind them, governments, including those of Germany, the Czech Republic and Greece as well as Austria and the Netherlands, are increasingly focused on the unvaccinated.

The effort has collided with a vocal minority who are opposed to healthcare directives.

Austria’s fourth national lockdown of the pandemic starts on Monday. People will be able to leave home only for essential reasons, such as buying groceries and exercising.

Blocks from Saturday’s demonstration, and elsewhere across the city, other Viennese took advantage of a mild, sunny day to visit cafes, boutiques and Christmas markets that will soon be forced to close for as long as three weeks.

In Rotterdam on Friday, protesters denounced a plan to exclude negative tests from the national health pass, which would cut the unvaccinated off from many activities.

Police fired warning shots and broke up the crowd with a water cannon. At least seven injuries were reported.

The state of Saxony in eastern Germany, one of the nation’s worst hit by the current wave of infections, announced tighter curbs on public life late on Friday. Christmas markets were cancelled and people who are not vaccinated face a curfew in hotspot areas.

A demonstrator is detained by police officers during a protest in Vienna on Nov 20, 2021. PHOTO: REUTERS

Bavaria has also set a mixture of lockdowns and curfews. Austria’s daily Covid-19 cases have spiked this month, and deaths, while not rising as much, are the highest since last winter.

Salzburg and Upper Austria currently have the highest seven-day Covid-19 incidence in Europe, according to the World Health Organisation.

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In Germany, Dr Lothar Wieler, the head of the public health institute RKI, told the DPA newswire that contacts between citizens need to be rapidly reduced across the whole country to stem the surge of infections.

He also urged a massive ramp-up in vaccinations. About 68 per cent of Germans and 65 per cent of Austrians have been fully inoculated against Covid-19, below levels thought to create “herd immunity” from the virus.

They lag neighbours like France and Italy, but vaccination levels in Eastern Europe are even far lower – from 59 per cent in the Czech Republic to 24 per cent in Bulgaria.

Hospitals and intensive care units in much of Europe are filling up, largely with the unvaccinated. Almost nine out of every 10 patients in Greece’s ICUs are unvaccinated, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in a nationally televised address.

It is a pattern that has been repeated in recent months, from Italy to the United States to Australia.

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