Sunday, 6 Oct 2024

UK asks Japan for Huawei alternatives for 5G networks: Media

TOKYO (REUTERS) – The British government asked Japan to help build its 5G wireless networks without Huawei Technologies, citing NEC Corp and Fujitsu as potential alternative suppliers, the Nikkei business daily reported on Sunday (July 19).

British officials met with their counterparts in Tokyo on Thursday, two days after Britain ordered Huawei equipment purged from its 5G networks by the end of 2027, the Nikkei said, without citing sources.

The move reflects Britain’s effort to bring in new equipment suppliers to foster competition and help reduce costs for the country’s wireless carriers, it said.

British Digital Minister Oliver Dowden last week said Britain was working with its allies to foster stronger rivals to Huawei, naming firms from Finland, Sweden, South Korea and Japan.

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