Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024

Tourist left with just cuts and bruises after falling off 100ft cliff

A tourist survived with just cuts and bruises after falling around 100ft off a clifftop.

The man, 28, was said to have been taking a selfie when he slipped at the edge of the precipice at Old Harry Rocks near Swanage in Dorset.

Luckily, the tide was in at the time and the man was saved by landing in around four feet of sea water.

A group of kayakers in the area witnessed the incident and paddled towards him, helping him onto the shore at the foot of the cliff to give him first aid.

Incredibly, the man was conscious and talking and was said to have only suffered cuts and bruises in the fall.

The Swanage lifeboat arrived at the scene and placed him on a stretcher.

He was taken to the Swanage lifeboat station where a land ambulance then took him to hospital to check if he had suffered any internal injuries.

Ian Brown, of the Swanage lifeboat, said it was a miracle that man was not killed.

Mr Brown said: ‘I honestly don’t know how he is still alive today.

‘It is a sheer drop of anywhere between 90ft to 120ft there. The tide was in at the time and he landed in the water.

‘It wouldn’t have been that deep, probably 4ft at most.

‘He is incredibly lucky to have suffered relatively minor injuries. Apparently he as conscious and talking and was fine. His injuries were reported to have been cuts and bruises.’

The man was with five male friends, all from the London area, who had been visiting when the accident happened at just after 2pm yesterday.

Lisa Andrews, who was at the scene, said: ‘We were nearby. I spoke to a man who witnessed it. Apparently he was taking a selfie and slipped. Apparently people were warning him he was too close. I really hope he is OK.’

Mr Brown said: ‘The group of six individuals were at the top of Old Harry Rocks when for some unknown reason a male aged 28 was seen to just go over the edge.

‘His friends were in a very distressed state having just seen their friend just go over the cliff, fearing the worst.

‘We are seeing a lot of people get too close to the edge there to take selfies all the time.

‘The cliffs there are very crumbly and out advice to anyone is to stand at least five metres back.’

The emergency was attended by both Swanage lifeboats, the Swanage at St Albans coastguard teams, the South Western Ambulance service and the air ambulance.

Becky Mack, the Swanage lifeboat helm, said: ‘It was an accident and he must have hit the water which saved him. It is amazing.

‘The kayakers and a boat near to the scene were waving at us to indicate the casualty location.

‘We immediately went ashore and carried out an assessment of the casualty and made plans to evacuate them.

‘He was really fortunate that the kayakers were close by and that they were able to help so quickly.

‘We think they helped him out of the water and on to the shore.

‘He was alert and conscious. He was talking and was calm.

‘The casualty was handed over to waiting paramedics and we hope they will make a full recovery.’

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