Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

Tory MP 'sexually assaulted man in sleep after party in Pakistan', court hears

A Tory MP sexually assaulted an aid worker in his sleep after a party in Pakistan where they smoked cannabis and drank whisky, a court heard.

Imran Ahmad Khan, 48, had been working on a Foreign Office project at the time of the alleged sex attack in November 2010.

The man, who was then in his early 20s, told a jury how the MP for Wakefield offered him a sleeping pill as they shared a room in a guesthouse in the city of Peshawar.

He recalled how he later woke up to find Khan performing a sex act on him, having pulled down his boxer shorts.

‘I pushed him off and told him to stop and said something along the lines of, “What the f*** are you doing?”‘, the aid worker told the court.

The alleged victim says he reported the incident to the High Commission and the Foreign Office but that no action was taken.

He said he did not want to go to the police in Pakistan because of Khan’s ‘powerful connections’ in the military and government.

Khan is not facing a charge for these claims, but the jury was told about them at Southwark Crown Court, where the MP is on trial for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy in 2008.

He allegedly forced the child to drink gin at a house in Staffordshire, dragged him upstairs and asked him to watch pornography before touching his feet and legs.

Khan, who denies the charge against him, is accused of coming within a ‘hair’s breadth’ of the genitals of the child as he sat on a bunkbed.

The MP, who is gay and a Muslim, claims he only touched the Catholic teenager’s elbow when he ‘became extremely upset’ after a conversation about his confused sexuality.

Prosecutor Sean Larkin QC told jurors yesterday that there was a different allegation against Khan ‘involving an adult in Pakistan’, which is not part of the charge they are trying him on.

The alleged victim said he came forward after hearing Khan had been charged with sexual assault.

Before the alleged incident, the aid worker said: ‘There were definitely times when he got drunk after a few gin and tonics for example.’

He said Khan’s homosexuality was an ‘open secret’ and the MP would sometimes act ‘quite flirtatiously’ or ‘tickle’ him.

Jurors heard that on the night of the alleged sexual assault, Khan and the man had been at a party where everyone was drinking whisky.

Asked if he had been smoking cannabis, the witness said: ‘I think generally at these types of events, if it had of been there both Imran and I would have had some.’

Khan’s QC, Gudrun Young, suggested her client ‘did not like marijuana or the smell of it’, but the man said: ‘He has definitely smoked in front of me in the past.’

He added: ‘Imran offered me a sleeping pill and we were staying in the same room, and for want of a good night’s sleep I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.’

Ms Young suggested the man’s perception was affected by the alcohol, cannabis and sleeping pill and, that despite being heterosexual he had consented to sexual activity with Khan.

‘I am not suggesting this incident did not happen, that Mr Khan did not give you oral sex. But I am suggesting that at the time at least that is something to which you were consenting,’ she said.

The witness said: ‘I was not consenting. I was not gay and I have never experimented with being gay.’

The trial continues.

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