Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Tory MP links violent male crime to female Doctor Who and James Bond

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A Tory MP has finally uncovered one of the root causes of crime among young men: a female Doctor Who.

Nick Fletcher said the casting of women in roles traditionally played by men is depriving young boys of positive role models like Luke Skywalker and Bill Murray’s Ghostbusters squad.

The Don Valley MP also pointed to calls for a woman to play alcoholic, womanising killer James Bond as further evidence of the eradication of male paragons of virtue on screen.

Speaking in a Westminster Hall debate on International Men’s Day, he said: ‘Everywhere, not least within the cultural sphere, there seems to be a call from a tiny yet a very vocal minority that every male character or good role model must have a female replacement. 

‘One only needs to look at the discussion surrounding who’ll play the next James Bond. 

‘And it’s not just James Bond – in recent years we have seen Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Luke Skywalker, The Equaliser all replaced by women and men are left with The Krays and Tommy Shelby. 

‘Is there any wonder we are seeing so many young men committing crime.

‘These programmes make crime look cool. Trust me, a lifetime in prison is not cool and neither is living with the memory of a stabbed son or daughter.’ is honour bound to point out that Daisy Ridley was cast alongside Mark Hammill’s Luke Skywalker rather than replace him in the Star Wars reboot.

He also criticised use of the phrase ‘toxic masculinity’, saying it ‘vilifies’ 50% of the world’s population.

Mr Fletcher added: ‘As I hope all women love being women, I love being a man – most of my friends are men.’

He added: ‘I don’t think being a man make me superior in any way, yet being male is an essential part of my identity and, just as with any other identity, whether they be religion sor ethnic, I believe they are something which should be celebrated, not vilified. 

‘Some may argue that I didn’t choose to be born male and so it’s ridiculous for the male identity to be celebrated, yet this is not something I would expect anyone to say about any other identity.

‘In short, I believe we should encourage boys and young men to be proud of being men too because it’s important for boys to know that as males they can make a positive difference to society.’

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