Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

‘They’ve learned nothing!’ How EU – Japan trade deal was ripped apart for huge blunders

The EU and Japan began talks over the ‘JEFTA’ – Japan Europe Free Trade Agreement – in March 2013, aiming to create an agreement that would cover nearly a third of world market activity. But both during and following the conclusion of the negotiations in December 2017, the deal came under fire as opponents lambasted Brussels with similar grievances to those voiced over previous trade agreements. German media reported how the EU used secretive meetings with Japan while forming the trade agreement, in a manner that had been a subject of controversy when Brussels negotiated with Canada and the US.

During Brussels-Washington talks, which started in February 2014, the negotiations were also criticised for a lack of transparency.

Known as “consolidated texts”, the information on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was only able to be accessed by authorised figures.

An investigation by German news site highlighted that EU member states who had accessed documents on the deal electronically had been accused of leaking information by Brussels.

EU trade commissioner at the time, Cecilia Malmström, said no more reports on TTIP negotiations would be sent to Member States because of “important vulnerabilities in the last rounds of negotiations”.


Within the EU, Commission negotiators from the department for Trade, MEPs and MPs can view the documents.

However, those accessing information on the trade deal were banned from bringing electronic devices into the secure rooms at the European Commission HQ in Brussels.

Blank sheets of paper, marked with the reader’s names, were provided on which visitors can jot down their notes.

On the US side, the procedure was similar, with only Senators and USTR negotiators able to access the documents and forced to comply with similar conditions.

An organisation called Powershift stated at the time of the Japan-EU talks that their deal “shows all the bad traits of TTIP and CETA”.

After some of the JEFTA documents were leaked, unions came out to demand more clarity during the talks.

German politician, Alexander Ulrich, told Euractiv in 2017 that the nature of the negotiations was “alarming” and warned that “lessons have not been learned”.

The JEFTA deal was signed in December 2017 and came into action on February 1, 2019.

Other criticisms of the deal during the negotiations was the potential for the inclusion of a Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clause.

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ISDS is an instrument that allows an investor to bring a case directly against the country hosting its investment, without the intervention of the government of the investor’s country of origin.

This policy was included in the US-EU trade deal during negotiations, with many warning that it could be “dangerous for democracy.”

In the final version of the EU-Japan FTA, Brussels instead put forward a “Investment Court System” to replace the ISDS clauses.

This made scope for investor challenge much reduced and used “highly skilled judges” rather than arbitrators to determine cases.

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