Monday, 7 Oct 2024

The milkmen of human kindness: The man behind the eco-friendly doorstep deliveries

The clink of glass on stone tiles provokes a swift response from a wood pigeon who joins in with its own medley of throaty coos, heralding the new day. 

“I reckon we’ll see the sun in an hour,” says milkman Paul Hyatt, whose body clock is finely tuned to the rhythms of day and night. 

A busy man with a rural milk round supplying 320 customers, Paul, 52, doesn’t need a watch to check the time. He just looks at the sky and listens to the birds to work out the hour. 

Almost exactly 60 minutes later, right on cue, the sun breaks through the grey skies, suddenly bathing the rolling Gloucestershire landscape in a soft, misty light. “I never tire of seeing daybreak because they’re never the same and they’re always beautiful, whatever the weather,” says Paul. “It’s one of the best bits of having the best job in the world.”

To Paul’s delight, the British public is in the throes of rediscovering its affection for early morning milk deliveries, mainly because of a sea change in opinion on using plastic milk bottles from supermarkets. Influenced heavily by the appeals of the BBC’s environmental campaigner Sir David Attenborough, millions of consumers are rejecting plastic in favour of reusable glass bottles and daily deliveries.

Which is music to the ears of milkmen and women across the country who are seeing a spike in demand and thousands of new customers. 

Coupled with environmentally friendly electric milk floats, added deliveries of everything from orange juice to bread and newspapers, and a familiar friendly face, there is much to recommend the traditional milk round. 

In the village of Ashleworth, which dates back to Roman times when the hardy invaders thought lush land overlooking the River Severn was a perfect spot to settle, the convenience of doorstep deliveries is a no‑brainer for Michael Houldey. 

Michael, 66, greets me fully dressed shortly after 7am, eager to pour fresh milk over his cornflakes. “I’ve been up for an hour feeding the sheep and pigs so I’m getting a bit hungry now,” he says cheerily, taking a pinta out of my hand at Rectory Farm while his piglets noisily devour their own breakfasts. 

“Fresh milk from a bottle is a ­simple pleasure, something I look forward to, and I think more people are realising just how good it is. 

“After breakfast, I put my feet up for a bit and read the paper, which is the ideal start to the day for me.” 

Luckily Paul also delivers other essentials, including the Daily Express, so those in the Houldey household, Michael’s wife Angela and in-laws Gordon and Mary Allsop, can enjoy their favourite newspaper over breakfast. 

As we chat, Paul briskly jumps back into the seat of his milk float sensing he is getting behind. He knows his next customer, Yvonne Cole, 72, will be waiting. 

Yvonne emerges from the front door of her cottage and, without prompting, gives Paul a friendly hug. She explains: “You can set your watch by him. Come all weather, you can rely on Paul.” 

Yvonne’s pretty home is perched on a slope but the road below ­frequently floods. 

“Even if the water’s pretty deep, Paul will drive through it because he has customers down the lane and he knows they are waiting, too,” she continues.

“Nothing puts him off. If you leave a note with extra orders, you know he’ll get it right. And nothing is too much bother. He’s just smashing.” 

Looking slightly taken aback by the compliment, Paul, a roundsman for 16 years, admits: “I know the names of all my 320 customers and I’ve only got one awkward one so I can’t complain. Cream, cheese, yogurt, biscuits, potatoes and newspapers – we deliver the lot because we know it makes life easier for people in rural areas.” 

Just watching the whirlwind at work is tiring, and shadowing him is exhausting. But contented customers make starting work at 4am all worthwhile. 

“For me the major part of the job is being your own boss,” says Paul while scanning the country roads for crossing deer, rabbits, mice and voles. Once you pick up the milk and other goods, the rest is down to you to deliver on time and build up a rapport with your customers. 

“I’m over 50 but I don’t feel it because I’m dashing about all day. You’ll never get me in an office.” 

Paul enjoys working for Cotteswold Dairy, which was started by the late Harry Workman in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, in 1938, because of its long history in the county and because all the staff are on first-name terms. The advent of the milk rounds followed the railways in the 1860s as milk could be carried freshly and cheaply into towns and cities. 

It was originally sold door to door in large churns with customers providing their own milk jugs. By the early 1900s, milkmen were delivering glass bottles by horse and cart up to three times a day. When people began to buy fridges in the 1950s, most rounds switched to once daily. There are now thought to be well over a million UK doorstep deliveries a day. Back at the main Cotteswold depot in Cheltenham, which has 10 electric and 16 diesel floats, manager Fred Tandy, 54, not only knows all his 33 roundsmen (they currently have no women) but can also remember the names of many of their ­customers and where they live. 

Chatting over an early morning cup of tea, he says: “We’re living in good times and to my mind they can only get better. Dairies have never gone away but some people are discovering us for the first time. 

“Our biggest change is glass, thanks to David Attenborough and the Blue Planet programmes ­making people aware of the ­problems of disposing of plastic. 

“We’ve had an increase in glass bottle orders, adding £8,000-worth of sales to this depot a week. We’ve now got 12,503 doorstep customers compared with 11,200 or so in 2017. We now have the equivalent of three extra rounds, which is very encouraging for the long term. It’s not just fresh milk, it’s eggs as well. We sell about 1,900 boxes of eggs a week which has gone up by a few hundred in the past year or so.

“I started delivering milk as a nine-year-old helping a family friend out on his round, usually at the weekend. 

“I used to fall asleep in class but the teachers didn’t mind because they knew I’d been up early. Once you’ve got the bug that’s it, our roundsmen really are part of the local community.” 

As he chats, another milkman, Steve Baylis, 54, comes in after a busy morning, carrying a bag full of cheques, though most people now pay via direct debit. 

“You keep your eyes and ears open because you are one of the few people up and about in the middle of the night,” he says. 

The father of three, who enjoys a golf handicap of five thanks to having his afternoons free, continues: “I spotted a wheelie bin on fire and called the emergency services and woke up the customer before it spread to a car parked nearby. 

“If roundsmen spot a burglar, they call the police straight away. 

“But some of the worst thieves are foxes. They watch us deliver boxes of eggs, wait for us to go, and then go after the eggs on the ­doorsteps.

“It has got so bad we put the eggs in old ice cream tubs now!”

Some customers show their gratitude to their loyal milkie in their wills. One Cotteswold roundsman was left £10,000 by a lady in recognition of a long friendship. Another was awarded an MBE for services to the community after a lifetime’s dedication. 

At their headquarters in Tewkesbury, 50,000 gallons of milk from 46 farms are processed every day. Every week, about 120,500 glass bottles are sent to Cheltenham and two other smaller depots for deliveries to households and businesses. 

Chairman Roger Workman, 74, son of founder Harry, says doorstep deliveries have increased by more than a third since the start of 2017. 

He adds: “We now have about 20,000 customer deliveries across 40 milk rounds.” 

It really is a family business. Roger’s son George, 48, is managing director and George’s sister, Louise Woodward, 50, is company secretary. Her daughter Lucy, 24, is George’s PA while her brother, Tom, 20, works in customer ­services. 

Starlings, wood pigeons, and other birds can rest easy, the ­familiar sound of glass clinking on doorsteps, signalling all is well with the world, looks set to continue for some time yet.

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