Monday, 7 Oct 2024

The gift of a toy dog taught me about my Grandpa Winston’s bulldog spirit

She was just two years old when the Second World War ended in Europe on May 8, 1945, so did not know of the colossal contribution he had made to save the nation from Hitler’s invading armies.

Her first clue to the reverence and respect other people had for her cigar-chomping, snowy-haired grandfather was the day the postman knocked at the door with a surprise parcel for her.

“Inside was this magnificent toy bulldog,” recalls Celia, 76, whose mother Diana was Churchill’s oldest daughter.

“He was on wheels and if you pulled him along, his head moved from side to side.”

Celia was delighted, but a little confused. It wasn’t even her birthday. But her mother told her it had been a gift to her grandpa who “thought you might like it”.

“Well, that puzzled me even more because I thought, ‘Why on earth would anyone send a grown man a toy dog’,” she laughs.

“My mother explained it was because he had been called a great British bulldog.

“The next day at school I went around all my friends and said, ‘My grandpa’s a bulldog, what sort of dog is yours?’ No one had a good answer for me, I’m afraid.”

It was Churchill’s famous “bulldog spirit” as prime minister that buoyed the nation during the war years, even when the fight against the Nazis looked lost.

And this message of resilience has renewed purpose for Celia now, the day after the 75th anniversary of VE Day, as we fight the current enemy of our times, coronavirus. As a direct response to the pandemic, and to coincide with VE Day, the International Churchill Society has launched a global competition asking participants to write or deliver their own message of hope against Covid-19.

“Coronavirus is a war, it’s just that we can’t see the enemy,” says Celia.

“In some ways it’s more frightening if you don’t know your enemy,” she adds. “No one thought in the war that if you got on to a bus the enemy might be there but now you might get on a bus or Underground and it could be right there.”

The contest asks applicants to submit original text of up to 300 words or a video of no longer than 60 seconds for an entry that will “Inspire Like Churchill”.

The winner of the first prize, judged by a panel including Celia and Randolph Churchill, a great-grandson of Churchill, will receive an £8,000 donation for a frontline health organisation of their choice.

“We want to mobilise the English language and stir hope and unity at this tragic moment,” says Celia, who is encouraging young and old to take part.

She believes there is no greater example of inspiration than that of her grandfather.

“A lot of people said we couldn’t win and at certain points it looked pretty bad, but he never wavered and always went on,” she says.

“If he hadn’t shown the country that he believed in it, or made sure they believed that he believed we could win, then we couldn’t have won the war.”

But Celia, who has written five biographies of Churchill, remembers a gentler, more relaxed figure at his Chartwell country house estate in Kent where he loved to paint and host dinner parties.

“He was a very affectionate grandfather,” she says. “He was determined his family life was going to be happy, loving and affectionate, and indeed it was.”

Her memories are of a man who was witty and entertaining, who loved to dress up in his velvet suit and surround himself with his pet dogs.

Was he always enveloped in a haze of smoke? “Of course he loved his cigars but it was more often, what he called ‘dead in the ashtray’, than in his mouth,” she jokes. “But he liked to have one around him.”

“By the time he was at Chartwell he was quite old but we would walk around the garden together and look at his animals,” she says.

“We used to feed his goldfish and visit the horrible black swans, who were fierce, before seeing the pigs.”

It was not until Celia became a young woman, accompanying Churchill on trips to the South of France, that she really understood how revered he was in public.

“I noticed by the way people spoke about him and by the way they behaved with him that he was treated in a different way to other people.” she says.

“He got a hugely affectionate response wherever he went.”

Now a grandmother herself, Celia spent VE Day with her eldest son, Justin Kennedy, and his family in Wiltshire.

She raised a glass of champagne – Churchill’s favourite Pol Roger, of course – to toast her grandpa and all the brave men who never came home. Prior to lockdown, her plan had been to attend a commemoration march in Russia.

“But like so many celebrations, it had to be cancelled.

“It’s a great pity as it would have been a wonderful time for people to come together at street parties but we’ve got another battle on our hands at the moment,” she says.

So what would her grandpa have made of coronavirus as an enemy? “He would have got up and fought it,” she says. “He would have to. He was a great survivor.”

Her most poignant recollection of Churchill was the desperate hours after the fall in which he broke his hip at the Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo in June 1962.

Aged 88 and already frail, he was not expected to survive.

And when she rushed to his room with his private secretary Anthony Montague-Brown, he had just one command for her.

“He told me, “I want to die in England, make sure that happens,” Celia says.

An RAF jet was scrambled by the then prime minister Harold Macmillan, flying the pair immediately back to London.

“All I could do was sit beside his stretchered bed in the stripped-down body of the aircraft and hope and pray that he would make it as he was very ill,” Celia says.

“I didn’t believe he would, but as we got to Heathrow and he was wheeled off the plane, he saw a little group of airport workers.

“They looked so distraught he smiled and gave them a V sign and they clapped and I could see he had turned a corner and was going to be all right.

“He recovered but was never the same again.”

Churchill lived for another two years, and died after suffering a severe stroke that claimed his life nine days later on January 24, 1965.

However, Celia hopes his sacrifice will continue to be recognised now and in the future as new generations learn of his achievements.

“Without him, we probably wouldn’t be a free country today,” she says quietly.

“I hope children will enter this competition and maybe we will get a new generation of children understanding about my grandfather, not just as an insurance dog.”

Inspire Like Churchill 2020 is open now, visit for full details. Submissions close at 5pm (BST) on May 30, 2020.

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