Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025

The 60 questions Labour says Boris must answer before the General Election

The Labour party has drawn up a list of 60 questions that it says Boris Johnson must answer, after the prime minister’s attempts to ‘hide from scrutiny’.

Many of the questions focus on Mr Johnson’s views on topics such as racism, sexism and the NHS, after he made a series of controversial comments in the past.

Labour also accused him of trying to avoid accountability, after he snubbed the Channel 4 leaders’ debate on climate change.

One of the questions asks: ‘Are you scared of Andrew Neil’, after the prime minister refused to commit to an interview with the BBC journalist, despite Jeremy Corbyn being interviewed earlier this week.

Mr Johnson said he would submit to ‘all kinds of inquisitions and interrogations’ until polling day on December 12 but, despite being repeatedly asked, refused to say whether he would be interviewed by Mr Neil.

He said: ‘Here I am being interviewed by you, I don’t think I have barely stopped being interviewed by people since the election began, and will continue to submit to all kinds of inquisitions and interrogations until polling day.’

Mr Johnson has come under fire after comments he wrote the Spectator magazine re-emerged, in which he branded the children of single mothers ‘ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate’ in a 1995 issue of the magazine.

One of Labour’s questions for Mr Johnson is: ‘Do you still think that children of single mothers are ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate?’

Andrew Gwynne, Labour’s national campaign co-ordinator, said: ‘Boris Johnson has been hiding from scrutiny to avoid being held to account for a decade of Conservative austerity and his litany of lies, failure and bigotry.

‘Boris Johnson may think he is born to rule but if he can’t face the people and tell the truth then he can’t govern the country.’

What are the 60 questions Labour wants Boris Johnson to answer before the election

Entitled ‘Time to Tell the Truth’, here’s the full list of 60 questions drawn up by the Labour party.

On sexism:

On racism:

On other ‘offensive comments’:

On his Ministers:

On the NHS:

On Jennifer Arcuri:

On his record:

On climate and the environment:

On his campaign:

Source: Read Full Article

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