Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Test track and trace jobs: What is test track and trace?

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the Government had met its target to carry out 100,000 coronavirus tests a day by the end of April. At the daily coronavirus daily briefing on Friday, Mr Hancock announced 122,347 tests were performed in the 24 hours up to 9am on Friday.

He told the briefing: “This is how we did it – because everybody worked together, with grit and determination, to reach a shared goal.

“They thrived because the team contained diversity of perspectives, background and, critically, diversity of thought.

“And when things went wrong, which they did every single day, believe me, we didn’t ask who we could blame, we asked how we could fix it.

“To my team, I want to say you toiled tirelessly night and day and I’m so proud of what you have achieved.

“To all of you, on behalf of Government, on behalf of the whole country, thank you.”


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What is test track and trace?

Mr Hancock said at Friday’s briefing testing would help “unlock” the current lockdown.

Now the UK has hit its testing target, the aim is to use this increased capacity to test, track and trace the disease.

People with symptoms can be tested, and with this data experts will be able to track the spread of the virus in the UK.

The increase in data will allow authorities to trace people who may have been at risk of catching the virus, and thefore need to isolate at home.

The goals of contact tracing are:

  • To interrupt ongoing transmission and reduce the spread of an infection.
  • To alert contacts to the possibility of infection and offer preventive counselling or prophylactic care.
  • To offer diagnosis, counselling and treatment to already infected individuals.
  • If the infection is treatable, to help prevent reinfection of the originally infected patient.
  • To learn about the epidemiology of a disease in a particular population.

Mr Hancock said: “In recent weeks we’ve had to impinge on historic liberties to protect our NHS and our loved ones and yet our goal must be freedom.

“Freedom from the virus, yes, and we will not lift measures until it is safe to do so.

“But also we care about the restoration of social freedom and economic freedom too – each citizen’s right to do as they please.


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“For now, we’re working together to stay home, we’re impinging on the freedom of all for the safety of all.

“With this next mission of test, track and trace, I’m seeking a solution that allows us, by each of us participating, to target the measures that are needed with much more precision and so to reassert, as much as is safely possible, the liberty of us all.

“That is our next mission. But for now the most important thing for everyone to do to keep R down and to get us all through is to retain the spirit and resolve that has had such an impact thus far.”

As part of the Government’s plan to test, track and trace this virus, they are recruiting 18,000 people to become contact tracers.

A contact tracing app is due to be released by the NHS in the coming weeks.

Who can have a coronavirus test?

People who are currently eligible for a coronavirus test can apply on the Government website.

You can apply for a test if you are:

  • an essential worker with coronavirus symptoms
  • aged 65 or over with coronavirus symptoms
  • someone who cannot work from home and has coronavirus symptoms (for example, construction workers or delivery drivers)

Anyone with coronavirus symptoms can apply if they live with an essential worker, a person aged 65 or over, or someone who travels to work.

You can also apply for a test if you have a clinical referral from NHS 111 online.


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