Monday, 24 Jun 2024

Teenager accused of murdering Irish dancer and poisoning second man with 'devil's breath' drug appears in court

A teenager has appeared in court accused of murdering one man and poisoning another and using their bank cards in a spending spree.

Diana Cristea, 18, appeared in the dock at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, charged with the murder of Irish dancer Adrian Murphy, whose body was found in a block of flats in Battersea, in south London, on June 4, 2019.

She also faces a charge of poisoning by administering a substance to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm, in a separate incident against a man in north London, on May 30 2019.

The victim had been poisoned with scopolamine, a drug known colloquially as “the devil’s breath” that can render people unconscious, and when the man returned home from hospital, he found a number of items were missing.

Romanian national Cristea, from Barnet, north London, also faces two counts of theft and two counts of fraud in relation to both victims, after their cards were used to purchase technology and other luxury items.

After speaking only to confirm her name, date of birth, address, and nationality, Cristea was remanded in custody by chairman of the bench Richard Goold until her next hearing at the Old Bailey on January 17.

A man remains in custody in relation to the same incidents.

Joel Osei, 25, of no fixed abode, was previously arrested on October 24 last year and the following day was charged with two counts of poisoning, relating to both incidents, two counts of theft and six counts of fraud.

He was charged with murder on December 5 and remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on February 17.

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