Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Teaching assistant spared jail for grooming boy by saying 'age is just a number'

A teaching assistant who had sex with an underage boy has been spared prison.

Rebecca Williams contacted the 15-year-old online and started flirting with him saying things like ‘you’re fit’ and ‘age is just a number’.

On one occasion he picked her up in her car and took him home where they watched TV before having what the boy described as awkward sex.

He stayed overnight and the following day Williams, 21, messaged to meet up again. Some of her messages were shared while they were both on the school campus.

They had sex at her home again, but Williams had feelings and wanted a relationship leading the boy to block her on messaging apps.

Prosecutor Richard Edwards said: ‘Rumours started circulating among staff that the defendant had slept with a pupil.

‘The head of the school questioned the defendant directly about the information. The defendant denied anything untoward had gone on.’

The schoolboy told social services and police that they had had sex and she was arrested and charged.

Williams, who has a new job in the construction industry, was considered to have a low risk of offending and is in a new relationship.

Judge Nicola Saffman gave her a 12-month suspended jail sentence and ordered to carry out community service.

She told Williams : ‘You knew what you were doing. You were working up to engage in a sexual relationship with him.’

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