Thursday, 9 Jan 2025

Taxi driver jailed after sexually assaulting three women

A taxi driver who sexually assaulted three young women within two weeks has been jailed for five years.

Married father-of-three Mansoor Uddin (41), of Castleway, Adamstown, Lucan, pleaded guilty on the morning of his trial last February at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to sexual assault on January 30, 2016, and two sexual assaults on February 16, 2016.

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Judge Sinéad Ní Chulacháin sentenced Uddin to three years’ imprisonment for each count of sexual assault. She said the sentences on the latter two counts will run concurrently with each other, but consecutive to the earlier count of sexual assault.

Judge Ní Chulacháin also suspended the final year of the sentences for counts two and three for two years on strict conditions for an effective operating sentence of six years’ imprisonment with one year suspended. She also gave Uddin credit for any time he has already spent in custody.

The court heard at a sentence hearing last month that Uddin sexually assaulted two of the women on the same night after demanding that one of them get out of his taxi when he saw her trying to get a photo of his identification.

This 18-year-old victim had also called a friend while in the vehicle and gave her Uddin’s name and some of his taxi number. She tried to take a photograph of Uddin but he stopped her.

At the hearing in April, Sergeant Aoife Cronin told Sinéad McMullan BL, prosecuting, that gardaí used CCTV footage, a database of registered public service vehicles and a computer-generated likeness from the first victim to identify Uddin.

Yesterday, Seamus Clarke, defending, said his client had been provided with documentation to surrender his tenancy, but that his wife and children would be allowed to remain in new accommodation once it is ready.

Mr Clarke said that a psychological report showed Uddin as being someone with low levels of intellectual function.

Judge Ní Chulacháin said the case was aggravated by Uddin abusing his position as a taxi driver, his being aware of the vulnerability of the injured parties, his refusing to stop the taxi in two of the three cases, the timing of the offences being at night, his touching one of the women on her bare skin under her clothing and the somewhat planned targeting of the third woman.

She said the mitigating factors were his guilty plea, his losing his livelihood, his losing of his tenancy, his difficulties in early life, his mental health difficulties and his lack of previous convictions.

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