Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

SNP humiliated after it wades in on England only matter – ‘Stop giving Sturgeon free ride’

It came before Labour’s Lisa Nandy demanded the SNP were barred from entering debates surrounding England. Speaking at an event in Glasgow on Monday, Ms Nandy, the Labour leader hopeful, hinted that the SNP should no longer be given a platform during UK-wide debates.

She stated that it was time to “stop giving the SNP a free ride” when it came to appearances on shows like Question Time.

The MP for Wigan claimed she did not understand why the First Minister of Scotland was making appearances on the Question Tie leader’s debate while the leader of Scottish Labour was not included.

The SNP currently represent the third largest party in Westminster.

A video of the event was sent to Scotland’s, The National, publication, where Ms Nandy can be heard saying: “If Nicola Sturgeon is on a platform – the Question Time leaders’ special for example – then I think the leader of Scottish Labour ought to be on that platform.

“I do not understand why we are giving [the SNP and Plaid Cymru] a free ride to slate our reputation in Scotland and Wales while we have to stand on the same platform and speak to the whole of the UK.

“They wanna have a UK-wide debate, fine, they’re not in it. They wanna have a Scottish debate, great, we’ll put up our leader thank you, and you can debate with them.”

While the SNP were backed by 45 percent of voters in Scotland, Scottish Labour received less than 19 percent of the vote share.

In response to Ms Nandy’s comments, SNP deputy leader, Keith Brown, said: “Lisa Nandy is clearly terrified at the prospect of debating Nicola Sturgeon, but whoever becomes the next Labour leader will have to do just that.”

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Adding to the controversy, in the video, Ms Nandy also revelled that Westminster MPs still do not fully understand devolution.

Referring to her time as Shadow Children’s Minister, Ms Nandy recounted how she once table a series of amendments on the Children and Families Bill, only to receive a phone call from Scotland’s only Labour MP who said it drove “a coach of horses” through the devolution settlement.

She said: “These were just … I thought they were fairly bland amendments about children’s commissioners but they weren’t.

“They were a potentially a disaster in the making.”


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One source told The National that the speech had inspired some members of the crowd to reevaluate their loyalties.

One Labour voter even went as far as to say they joined the SNP on their phone half-way through the event.

Recently, Ms Nandy sparked controversy after she suggested the UK could look to Catalonia for advice and insight into dealing with he problem of Scottish independence.

It caused a furore among indy supporting Scots, likely adding further fuel to their desires.

She later claimed that her comments had been “wilfully distorted”.

It comes as a piece of legislature from England that was posted to Twitter seems to suggest Scotland attempted to table amendments that won’t be able to vote on.

Their not being able to vote rests in the fact that the piece of legislative grand committee is an England procedure only.

The post caused a Twitterstorm.

One user wrote: “So if Scotland ever get an indef2 are you happy for all of the UK to vote in the referendum, no of course not.”

Another said: “More show boating and no competency.”

Several users did, however, question what was wrong with the tabling.

One said: “So much for a union of equals. #TimeForScotlandToLeave.”

Source: Read Full Article

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