Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Shocking survey reveals THIS is the age Brits master the art of barbecuing

Research revealed at this point we are able to successfully grill a burger without turning it into charcoal, cook a sausage without it being pink in the middle and toast a veggie kebab to perfection. The poll of 1,000 adults also found to master the barbecue you must own all the correct utensils, be unflappable under pressure and never let food fall onto the coals. Over half the nation believe the tools they have impact their barbecuing ability and many reckon they could have conquered the grill four years sooner had they had the right kit.

The research was commissioned by B&Q in the lead up to ‘super Sunday’ which will see the Cricket World Cup final, Wimbledon men’s final and the F1 British Grand Prix on one day.

The study also revealed mastering the BBQ includes taking the lead on the cooking while family and friends sit back and enjoy sporting action on TV. 

One third who took part said they believe a grill expert should keep calm when cooking and rustle up dishes which aren’t just burgers and hotdogs.

The most sought after pieces of equipment are a vegetable grill basket, a thermometer and an oil brush. 

It also emerged adults typically take the reins and host their first barbecue when they are 32-years-old and three in 10 see this as a logical next step once they have their own home and space to do it.

Londoners claim to be the most talented grillers with two in 10 classing themselves as “masters”’, but those in the South West and Wales host their first barbecue at the youngest age – 29. 

The foods Brits are least confident cooking on the barbecue are a roast joint, fruit and duck meat.  

Top 10 signs you are a master of the barbecue:

1. Timing all the food perfectly

2. Knowing where to place different meats and vegetables on the grill

3. Keeping calm whilst cooking

4. Cooking dishes which aren’t just burgers and hotdogs 

5. Making it look effortless

6. Getting coals and heat ready in perfect time for guests arriving

7. Confidently knowing how to light the barbecue 

8. Having a broad range of food types to cook

9. Not making any mistakes

10. Marinating meat overnight

Top 10 tools to Brits wish they had to improve their BBQ skills:

1.   Thermometer 

2.   Grill fork 

3.   Oil brush 

4.   Spatula 

5.   Pizza oven 

6.   Charcoal starter 

7.   Vegetable grill basket 

8.   Smoker box 

9.   Fish basket 

10. Tool holder 

Source: Read Full Article

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