Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Serial burglar left a distinct (and smelly) 'calling card' at crime scenes

A filthy thief who left an unmistakable calling card at the scenes of his crimes has been jailed.

Damien Robinson carried out a spate of burglaries, making off with laptops, cash and credit cards – but not before leaving something to remember him by.

The 31-year-old dropped his trousers and left a poo on the floor of properties he targeted, a habit described as ‘gratuitous soiling’ in court.

He was locked up for two years after stealing from a medical centre and a hospital in Leeds, West Yorks.

Robinson admitted eight burglaries – to go with the 37 burglary counts already on his record – one charge of fraud and failing to provide a sample for drug testing.

Leeds Crown Court was told how he was seen on CCTV entering a medical centre on April 17 via an emergency exit and stealing a petty cash tin containing £313.

On June 17 he broke into Holden Smith Law at Cross Gates and took two laptops worth £650 and stopped to eat some food he found there before defecating on the ground.

On June 26 he sneaked into St James’ Hospital in the city and stole a laptop, headphones, credit card and cash which belonged to a surgeon working a night shift.

He narrowly avoided capture when a shopworker became suspicious when he tried to use the stolen card to buy cigarettes.

Over the next week he took £50 in cash from a charity shop, a £6,000 bike and equipment from a building site (before leaving his signature flourish).

Robinson, of no fixed abode, was finally caught after he was spotted smashing the window of fast food shop to get inside.

Mr Jackson said the break-ins were aggravated by the ‘gratuitous soiling’ of some of the properties.

His legal representative Philip Morris told the court: ‘It’s demonstrative of a very chaotic lifestyle.

‘There’s some drug misuse but not necessarily at an addictive level. He leads a transient lifestyle.

‘He sees the impending sentence as a means of drawing a line under this.’

The Recorder of Leeds, Guy Kearl QC, said: ‘You are heavily convicted for non-dwelling burglaries, and it’s been going on for some time.

‘You left faeces, which is a disgusting thing to do.’

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